5 Things to Do in Sydney for the Adventurous

Sydney has plenty of adventure options but here are a few that will give you that blood pumping living on the edge of your seat kind of moment.
5 Things to Do in Sydney for the Adventurous
Surfing lesson (Traveling Ted)

Are you the type that has to stifle a yawn when you hear yet another suggestion of sunbathing and a cute little coastal walk? Maybe for you a holiday isn’t a holiday unless you’ve taken your life in your hands at least once. No, make that twice. I know the feeling. There is an adrenaline surge when you do something just a wee bit crazy that is nothing short of addictive.

Sydney has plenty of adventure options but here are a few that will give you that blood pumping living on the edge of your seat kind of moment.

1. Abseiling

You want blood pumping? Then get yourself out of the city for some abseiling. Abseiling basically involves attaching yourself to a harness and some rope and shuffling backwards down the cliff face of a couple of hundred metres or so. You don’t need to shuffle. That’s just what I do.

Most abseiling happens about an hour or two outside the city in the Blue Mountains or the Central Coast. Both are easily accessible by train from the city and are worth the day trip to check it out. The scenery is amazing.

2. Full Day Surfing Lesson

Surfing is nowhere near as easy as it looks. If you are new to it and especially if you don’t know anything about rips and currents then get yourself on a surfing lesson. You can do some that go for a couple of hours but if you know you like the ocean and are really keen then I'd recommend getting onto a full day course. You will need that long to get the hang of it.

Most people that surf are totally addicted to it. They swear it has an almost meditative quality just sitting out there waiting for a wave. And then bam, you catch a wave and the adrenaline kicks in and before you know it you are back at shore with a killer buzz on.

It’s impossible not to paddle out and do it all again.

3. Sky Diving

I think everyone knows what sky diving is…jumping out of some sort of flying object about 14,000 feet in the air. It’s funny how they quote the height of 14,000 feet like it actually means something to you. And it doesn’t. I don’t actually know of anything that is 14,000 feet in height. Anyway clearly it is really high.

Needless to say the folks that organize this stuff know what they are doing and are really safe about it. Plus you do it tandem which means that an experienced sky diver is attached to you and in charge of making sure everything goes ok.

Regardless, this one will really let you know you’re alive.

4. Climb the Harbor Bridge

You can’t come to Sydney and not climb the bridge. I personally think this is one of the more calm options. You are wearing a harness like contraption that is constantly attached to a rail so there is no chance you are going anywhere…like over the edge. Despite these reassurances some folks, particularly those with issues with heights, still find this a pretty hair raising adventure.

It’s pretty cool too. There are three different climbs to choose from and you can do them from dawn into the night. The ones at dawn and twilight tend to be a little bit more expensive.

It doesn’t matter when you go, on a clear day the view is nothing short of spectacular. Well worth doing.

5. Kayaking on the Harbor

Kayaking is another one of those things that looks pretty easy but get yourself out there with some wave action and a strong current and you are getting yourself quite the workout. A favorite place to kayak from in Sydney is Rose Bay. You can start out in the nice flat bay and lull yourself into a false sense of security. Head away from the city. There are a few little hidden beaches on this stretch of coast. How far around you go is up to you but remember…you have to go back too.

Copyright © 2014 by Traveling Ted. This article was written by Kristy Alexander and originally published at Traveling Ted.

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