5 Simple Ways to Prepare for Your Next Family Road Trip

5 Simple Ways to Prepare for Your Next Family Road Trip
Unplug and enjoy bonding with family. (Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza
The family vacation has never been more important. The precious opportunity to enjoy quality time together, focused attention on a singular activity, and getting to step away from day-to-day routines are just some of the invaluable benefits of a family adventure.
During the summer months, many families choose to hit the road for a memory-making getaway. When it comes to road trips, a bit of preparation can go a long way.
Here are five things to do before your next family road trip.

Tune Up

Have your vehicle thoroughly checked out and tuned up before you set out on the wide-open road with your precious cargo in tow. Afterward, get the car cleaned and pick out a new air freshener to bring on your trip. Perhaps that scent will forever remind you of the wonderful memories you’re about to make.


Few learning opportunities can compare to experiencing new places and things firsthand. Before you set out, teach the kids a bit about what you plan to see—the history and significance of the places where you’re headed, interesting facts about the geography or culture, or new skills or activities you plan to do.


Consider leaving digital devices at home or at least severely limiting their use on your vacation. A sure way to hinder the benefits of family bonding and connection is to allow your family to be distracted by their devices. Such distraction is precisely what you want to get away from on vacation. Set parameters and stick to them. You may hear moans and groans initially, but you’ll all be glad in the end.

Create a Basket of Fun

Of course, if you’re not going to allow your kids to stare into their screens for the long car ride, it’d be a good idea to have some things to do in the car besides stare out the window.
Create a basket of fun activities and surprises to take with you. Puzzles, books, travel games, coloring supplies, window decals, small toys, and, of course, snacks will keep kids entertained and make the vacation a delight before you even reach your destination.

Pick an Audiobook

An audiobook is a wonderful addition to a family road trip. Decide in advance on one you’ll all enjoy. Not only does it make the journey more fun, but it will also cure withdrawals from screens and provide another shared experience for your trip. It will also make your family want to dig into more audiobooks, which is definitely a good thing.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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