5 Landscaping Projects That Add Value to Your Home

5 Landscaping Projects That Add Value to Your Home
Planting trees is a great way to improve and add value to your home. (WeAre/Shutterstock)

Though the real estate market is booming and home prices are already at record highs, it can’t hurt to maximize the value of your property, particularly if you’re considering listing it for sale. One of the ways to accomplish this is by investing in a well-chosen landscaping project, one that impresses potential buyers and entices them to pay a bit more to close the deal.

“When it comes to getting the best price for your home, the power of landscaping to increase your home’s value can’t be overlooked,” says Beatrice de Jong, broker and consumer trends expert for Opendoor. “First impressions are everything, and curb appeal is what potential buyers notice first. ... It will signal to buyers that they can expect the same from the interior and bones of the house.”

What’s more, data repeatedly shows that curb appeal, in the form of attractive landscaping, goes a long way. Sellers can attach anywhere from 5% to 12% more value to their home (depending on where the property is located) with a well-maintained landscape, adds de Jong. Here are five landscaping projects that industry experts say are worth the investment to boost your home’s value.

1. Plant Trees

One word: trees. It’s the landscaping project nearly every expert recommends for increasing a home’s value.

“Trees can add up to $9,000 to your home’s value, but you should grow them a distance from the septic system, driveways and the house itself to prevent any potential interferences,” suggests Bryan McKenzie, co-founder of Bumper Crop Times. “Otherwise, the value of your home can be decreased as buyers may anticipate costly issues.”

What he’s referring to is potential root damage to the home’s foundation, falling branches or more. Wisely placed trees, however, have consistently proven to be a smart investment, says Dan Beaulieu, real estate agent, contractor and founder of Burlington House Buyers.

“Almost everything you purchase depreciates. The exception is trees,” explains Beaulieu. “Trees that are mature add to the value of a home. The sheer presence of big trees increases property prices in an area by 4% to 20%.”

2. Spruce up the Front Walkway

Your walkway is part of a potential buyer’s first impression. So, spend some time making your walkway and entrance look picture-perfect. “If the walkway is well-decorated, it instantly creates a good ambiance for the house,” says Dawn Templeton, owner and real estate broker with Idaho-based Templeton Real Estate Group. “Plant flowers by the two sides of the walkway, and keep the walkways illuminated properly. It will create a dramatic beauty.”

3. Invest in a Well-Maintained Lawn

Another major element of curb appeal you should never underestimate is the power of a well-cared-for-lawn or front yard. These have a huge impact on the overall desirability of your home. “My general rule for landscaping is that the home should look at least as nice as the neighboring homes,” says de Jong. “At the very least, home sellers should have the lawn mowed, trees pruned, weeds pulled and garden spruced up with some colorful seasonal flowers, because curb appeal is essential to selling a home.”

An unmaintained lawn, on the other hand, is not only a curb-appeal deterrent; it also sends a red flag to potential buyers that the home wasn’t taken care of, de Jong adds.

The good news when it comes to lawn maintenance? It’s not a budget killer, says Dino DiNenna, a real estate broker and owner of South Carolina-based Hilton Head Realty. “Lawn maintenance is quick, relatively inexpensive and returns most of your investment. A well-kept expanse of grass pleases buyers,” explains DiNenna. “A lawn is also a place of relaxation for the adults and a playground for the children.”

“Neglecting your lawn is like leaving money on the table. I and my team always suggest to our clients who want tips on landscaping for the sake of increasing their home value, basic yard care service is the top curb-appeal project to tackle before selling,” adds DiNenna.

4. Construct a Fire Pit

Fire pits soared in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic while we were all stuck at home, and they continue to be a major outdoor landscape attraction that increases property value. “A fire pit is an arguably universally beloved home feature, perfect for families, young couples and anyone who loves to host and entertain guests,” says de Jong.

“When built using less expensive materials … homeowners can increase the ROI of a fire pit to more than 80% and recoup 78% of the costs,” adds de Jong.

5. Convert to Eco-Friendly Landscaping

In California and other Western states, there’s a huge demand for drought-tolerant yards, or xeriscaping. These types of landscapes often eliminate the need for irrigation, which is a definite attraction at a time when the cost of water is skyrocketing. In addition to saving homeowners money on water bills, this type of landscape requires far less daily maintenance.

“Drought-friendly landscaping is a cost-effective and sustainable way to add greenery to one’s home,” says de Jong. “If you’re based in a region with warm weather, consider native plants that adapt well to the environment and require less maintenance, like pest control and fertilizer.”

“Plenty of home buyers are looking to purchase Earth-friendly properties. However, it doesn’t mean that they would forgo a decent-looking yard. In fact, these past few years have seen an increasing demand for drought-tolerant properties,” says Jones.

For more information, contact Kathryn Weber through her website, www.redlotusletter.com.

©2022 Kathryn Weber. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

For more information, contact Kathryn Weber through her website, RedLotusLetter.com. Copyright 2021 Kathryn Weber. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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