5 Delicious Cookie Recipes to Celebrate National Cookie Day

December 4th is National Cookie Day, so celebrate this day with some delicious cookies. We’ve included a few festive recipes to help you get into that holiday cheer!
5 Delicious Cookie Recipes to Celebrate National Cookie Day
(Courtesy of Bitter Sweet)
Daksha Devnani

Did you know that cookies originated from the dutch word “koekje” which means a small or little cake? Records show that the cookie originated in Persia in 7AD - they’ve been around for thousands of years!

December 4th is National Cookie Day, so celebrate this day with some delicious cookies. We’ve included a few festive recipes to help you get into that holiday cheer!

1. Peanut Butter Cookies

(Courtesy of Bitter Sweet)
(Courtesy of Bitter Sweet)

Peanut butter cookies are hardly innovative, but for those stressed out and simply craving a small morsel of comfort, these fit the bill perfectly. They call for only three ordinary ingredients. And, an added bonus, they’re naturally gluten-free, so they should appeal to a very wide crowd.

For the recipe, click here

2. Linzer Cookies

(Courtesy of Roxy's Kitchen)
(Courtesy of Roxy's Kitchen)

Linzer cookies are a beautiful treat for the holidays. They are made with ground almonds and sandwiched together with a layer of raspberry jam.

For the recipe, click here

3. Crunchy Cut Out Sugar Cookies

(Courtesy Of Bitter Sweet)
(Courtesy Of Bitter Sweet)

These crunchy, cut out sugar cookies are as delicious as they look. They can be a delicious dessert, or a sweet snack that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

For the recipe, click here

More: The Best Apps for Baking Cookies (Video)

4. Miraculous Mayonnaise Chocolate Chip Cookies

(Courtesy of Bitter Sweet)
(Courtesy of Bitter Sweet)

Churning out a batch of chocolate chip cookies in record time and only seven ingredients all told, this recipe is reason to always keep a jar in your hand. The best part is the texture - you would be hard-pressed to find a chewier, gooier, or more lusciously toothsome treat for so little effort.

For the recipe, click here

5. Santa Ginger Bread Cookies

(Courtesy of Roxy's Kitchen)
(Courtesy of Roxy's Kitchen)

These cute santa ginger bread cookies are just the perfect cookies for the upcoming holidays.

For the recipe, click here.  

More: Demystifying the Cut Holiday Cookie

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