The art of palm reading has been practiced for thousands of years and has long been believed by some to reveal important facets of your personality and destiny.
Which of the following heart lines do you have?
1. If your heart line looks like line A …
... palm readers believe this indicates that you have innate leadership skills. Other people might often look to you while uncertain and follow your lead.
2. If your heart line looks like line B …
... palmistry would traditionally hold that your personality is fundamentally open and compassionate toward others. Whereas those with type A lines are more likely to consider things from a centralized perspective first, you could be a very receptive person to influences from others.
3. If your heart line looks line C …
... it could mean a deep and profound sense of creativity. Artistic pursuits, such as painting, drawing, theater, music, and others might play a big role in who you are and how you see yourself.
4. If you chose line D …
This heart line is quite distinctive from the others in that it runs horizontally and terminates between the thumb and fingers. This unique line could correspond to a special combination of problem-solving abilities and impressive persistence in the face of challenges.
Your patience and ability to think like a chess player, seeing several moves forward into the future, are extremely valuable to have around in professional and personal contexts. However, you can sometimes get frustrated and even despondent when others don’t see things the way you do. Be just as patient with people as you are with abstract problems, and you'll go far.