By Maurice Pennington
In 10 years of running businesses alongside my wife, we know how appealing it is to increase top-line growth. The question we’ve actively asked is: How do you make more without adding more work, more hours, and more effort into what’s already taking your full attention?Before we jump into how to do this, let’s take a moment to review what business ownership has looked like in the last few years.
So then, how do we secure our piece of this economic opportunity without burning ourselves out? One phrase: multiple streams of income.

Identify Passive Income Offers without Having to Start from Scratch
The key to this approach is being able to see opportunity within the gaps of your current service offerings.Market Your Offers without Feeling Sleazy or Sales-y
It takes a ton of time and energy to consistently cold message, call and source sales for a newly developed offer.It is essential to look within your current audience, identify their pain points, develop a solution that directly addresses the pain points and deliver it right back to them. Not only will you have the components to effectively communicate it, but you'll also have a built-in customer base.

Develop Business Offerings without Committing Copious Amounts of Time
We’re all extremely busy already, so we don’t want to add any more to our plate.The easiest way to identify where you can find opportunities to add revenue to your business is to conduct a brain dump, categorize your responses, compile a SWOT Analysis and create actionable steps in your business.
You'll be shocked at just how much reveals itself when you take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses while bringing focus and attention to maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats.
This isn’t the same as just “adding more to your plate”—it’s actually finding a way to streamline current operations, automating pieces that don’t need physical effort and introducing options to meet your clients where they’re at.
We’ve seen this firsthand in our own experience, as multiple streams of income help us diversify revenue, withstand economic downturns and expand visibility and marketability.

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