With the new year, many get caught up in grand goals and audacious dreams. That’s ambitious and exciting, but don’t forget to notice and appreciate the little things, too—those simple aspects of life that bring disproportionate joy if only we notice them. Here are 25 simple things to look out for in 2025.
1. A Fresh Start
Every year begins with a new blank slate. The holiday decorations have been put away and the new year has just begun—bright with possibility and hope. Jump on the momentum of the fresh-start feeling of the new year and start the year off well.2. Smiles
Smiling is totally underrated. Exchange a smile with a stranger on the street, brighten someone’s day, and join your loved ones in their joys. Champion smiling this year.3. Fresh Air
As we begin a new year and get back into routines, make sure you’re getting yourself out into the fresh air each day. Modern life tends to encourage us to stay in more than is good for us. Step out into the fresh air.4. Nature
While you’re outside, appreciate the beautiful nature all around you. The sky, the grass, the trees, the plants, the animals—whatever your immediate surroundings offer, be grateful for the beauty of nature.5. Naps
If you’re pushing yourself each day, don’t underestimate the benefits of a 20-minute nap. When you feel your focus dwindling and fatigue setting in, sneak away for a nap and enjoy a renewed sense of refreshment to carry you through the rest of the day and evening.6. Cancelled Plans
Every once in a while you’ll get yourself all ready for an obligation or activity you’re not really looking forward to, and then those plans will unexpectedly get cancelled. It’s rare, but it does happen and probably will at least once in the next year. Enjoy it when it does.7. Changes of Scenery
Every once in a while it’s a great idea to get up and go somewhere else. A change of scenery can really do wonders to ignite creativity and add zest to life. Whether you plan a grand trip overseas or a weekend or two away, make sure you sprinkle in a change of scenery every once in a while in 2025.8. Hugs
A year full of hugs is a good year. Hug your loved ones. Give out hugs with great abandon. The world needs more hugs.9. Feeling on Top of Things
Every once in a while, you’re going to feel like you’re totally on top of things. Enjoy those moments!10. Observing Wildlife
You know that feeling you get when you see a rare animal in the wild? Make sure to notice and appreciate those exciting moments. Even common animals are a delight to observe. Perhaps now’s a good time to add some bird feeders to the backyard.11. Colored Pens
If you’re only using black or blue pens, it’s time to shake things up. Get yourself some colored pens—you may be surprised at how much fun this can add.12. Chocolate
Have you read about the health benefits of quality, dark chocolate? Make sure to store some in your pantry. A chocolate break is a simple joy that every year should contain from time to time.13. Kindness
There is more kindness in the world than many people might realize. Notice it, spread it, appreciate it, and foster it.14. Happy Children
If you’re a parent, you’ll have those gorgeous moments when you’ll witness your children enjoying life, finding wonder in discovery, enjoying the companionship of their siblings, and just being happy. Notice these moments.15. Thunderstorms
At some point in 2025, a thunderstorm is bound to pop up. Assuming everyone is safe and sound, thunderstorms can be so thrilling to witness.16. The First Snow
Likewise, the first snow is a magical delight each year. If you don’t live in a climate that gets snow, perhaps a little trip to find it would be worthwhile. There’s nothing like the quiet beauty of freshly fallen snow.17. Starting the Day Early
If you’re not an early riser, give it a try this year. Waking early can make you feel like you’re getting time back in your life.18. Authenticity
Aim to act in your life with the utmost authenticity and appreciate when you witness authenticity in others.19. A Comfortable Bed
Each time you get into your warm and comfortable bed, no matter how the day went or what’s going on in life, know that you are blessed.20. Quietly Thinking
Take time away from your digital distractions as much as possible this year and allow yourself to sit quietly with your thoughts. This is an experience that is becoming more and more rare for people. Take time to quietly think.21. Celebrations
Throughout the year, whenever there’s an occasion to celebrate—celebrate! Life is worth celebrating.22. Full Moons
There will be 12 full moons in 2025. Can you catch them all? Sounds like a challenge that could make the year more wondrous.23. Tidying Up
You may not feel like tidying up sometimes, but you’re sure to enjoy the benefits of it. Keeping your spaces in order is amazingly worthwhile.24. Beauty
There is beauty all around you. Pay attention and look for beauty wherever you go. Create beauty wherever you can.25. Ending the Day Satisfied
You’re sure to have days when you’ve checked the boxes you wanted to check, took care of the things you wanted to take care of, and showed up in the way you wanted to. When your head hits the pillow at the end of a day like that, there’s a feeling of satisfaction that shouldn’t go unnoticed.There is so much to look forward to in 2025. Happy New Year!