20 Egg Dishes From Around the World

Did you know that there are 20 different ways to make eggs? Here are the 20 most famous egg dishes from around the world.
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Did you know that there are 20 different ways to make eggs? Here are the 20 most famous egg dishes from around the world.

1. In Greece, an egg dish called Avgolemeno is made which means “egg-lemon.”

2. Germany’s egg dish is called Bauernfruhstuck which is means “farmers’s breakfast.”

3. In the United States, the most famous egg dish is Creamed Egg on Toast.

4. In India, the Egg Curry is the most widely eaten egg dish.

5. The Chinese eat the “egg flower soup.”

6. In Hong Kong, the Egg Tart is a famous egg dish.

7. In Britain the egg dish that is widely eaten is the Eggnog.

8. In France Eggs En Cocotte is eaten which means “shirred eggs.”

9. Italy ’s egg dish is called a Frittata which means “egg-cake.”

10. The Huevos Rancheros or “ranchers’s eggs” is the egg dish made in Mexico.

11. In Poland Jajka Faszerowane or “stuffed eggs” is the most commonly eaten egg dish.

12. The Kuku which is a “persian fresh herb frittata” is an egg dish from Iran.

13. The Philippines cook an egg dish called Kwek -Kwek which are “deep-fried battered eggs.”

14. In Ghana “mashed yams with eggs” or most commonly known as Oto is the most popular egg dish.

15. The Kaiserschmarrn or “shredded pancake” is the most popular egg dish from Austria.

16. Shakshouka or “a mixture” is an egg dish from Libya.

17. Japan’s egg dish is known as Tamagoyaki or “grilled egg.”

18. In Netherlands the egg dish is called Uitsmijter which also means “to throw out.”

19. In Tunisia, the egg dish is called Ujja Bi'l - Hrus which means “eggs with sweet peppers.”

20. Turkey’s egg dish is called Cilbir meaning “poached egg.”


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