The decision to exit Afghanistan was one that was discussed, haggled over, and planned for years. The disgraceful method in which the exit was conducted made it seem as though the decision had been made in minutes. The results of the seemingly nonstrategic Afghanistan exit were tragic, costly, and embarrassing, and the tragedy, costliness, and embarrassment is ongoing.
A Proper Perspective

Robichaux’s story begins by showing his friendship with his interpreter, Aziz, though it begins in earnest with a note from the Department of Defense (DOD) explaining the redactions in the book and how the opinions expressed in the book are not those of the DOD. He also provides insight he adopted from Aziz in 2004. For most Americans, the War in Afghanistan was an acceptable response to the attacks of 9/11. Over the course of two decades, however, it was difficult to accept our extended stay.
Robichaux presents a perspective through the eyes of Aziz and the many Afghans who had suffered under the rule of the Taliban. He takes the reader through areas in Kabul, such as to an empty pool with a noose overhead or to concrete walls used as backstops for civilian executions. The author explains why, in 2004, Aziz and his family were so elated over the reelection of George W. Bush. It was perceived as an affirmation of America’s commitment to the Afghans.
Throughout the book, Robichaux discusses the reasons for the U.S. military’s stay in Afghanistan. Americans on either side of the aisle may disagree with his assessments, but when he details the cruelty of the Taliban or makes comparisons to troops in other countries, like Germany or South Korea that house U.S. troops in greater numbers, the argument against staying perhaps isn’t being squelched but is at least placed in its proper perspective. The book is not arguing about staying or leaving, nor is it arguing for a return. The focal point is about the highest demands of friendship and the allegiance we owe to the common cause of humanity.

A Mission and a Calling
When President Joe Biden announced the complete withdrawal of troops by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Robichaux admits to feeling a sense of foreboding. When that time was shortened, that sense became worse. The humanitarian catastrophe was all but inevitable, and Robichaux decided that he had to do all he could to rescue his former interpreter and close friend, along with his wife and children.The author discusses the intimate details of going into Afghanistan while the U.S. military was ordered to move out. The reader is taken through the utter chaos that surrounded cities and airports, specifically the Kabul International Airport. The effort to retrieve Aziz and his family was not a one-man effort. This was a massive undertaking, made worse by U.S. bureaucratic red tape. Family members, fellow church members, fellow veterans, and others worked together to formulate a plan of action. The operative word is “action.”
As the world looked on at the chaos unfolding in Afghanistan, Robichaux and other veterans went into that chaos. They were not there to establish order―that cause had already been lost. It was solely a rescue mission that resulted in a calling (as mentioned in the book’s title) to save as many as possible.
August of 2021 was the beginning of heartbreak and anguish. It was a harsh reminder of the costs of incompetent governments. The withdrawal from Afghanistan, Robichaux states, was worse than the withdrawal from Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. It is more than a blemish on the American record; it is a stain too deep to remove.
An Inspiration Never to Be Forgotten
“Saving Aziz” is an inspiring story in the sense that there are those who are willing to risk life and limb to save others. More importantly, there are those with the means and skills to accomplish it. This book is a demonstration of hope in a time of tragedy. It is a story of triumph in a moment of surrender. It is a story that forces us to look at the contrasting demands of national interest versus human interest.As the faith in American institutions continues to waver and falter, if not dissolve altogether, “Saving Aziz” is a testament to the American spirit. It is a testament to the resolve and heart of the average American. It is a story of courage, faith, and love and for our fellow man. It is a reminder of what good can be accomplished when we embrace what Abraham Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature.”