A Board-and-Batten Fence Is a Simple Project

A Board-and-Batten Fence Is a Simple Project
Board and batten fences are one of the simplest designs to build yourself and also can also serve as a windbreak.Jason Finn/Shutterstock
Dear James: We have a new unpleasant neighbor, so we want to build a low-cost board style of fencing ourselves. What is a good design to build to block the view?—Angie M.
Dear Angie: As they say, “Good fences make for good neighbors.” Your choice of a board-type fence is good for several reasons. It is one of the simplest designs to build yourself, it will provide needed privacy, and it is attractive. If it is built close enough to your house, it can also create a windbreak to protect your house.

The complexity of the fence design and construction method is a function of the lay of the land. Building one on relatively flat land is a no-brainer, so plan the location of the fence accordingly. The entire fence does not always have to be located directly on the property line.

Sometimes ground can look level when it actually is not. One way to check the lay of the land is to drive in stakes at either end and stretch a string between them. This will indicate any high and low spots. If you do try to build the fence on a slope or uneven ground, you may have to rack it. This makes the project much more difficult and time-consuming.

There are quite a few options for board fences. The most common designs have the vertical boards positioned as stockade, board-on-board, board-and-batten, or slat patterns. A stockade fence, with the boards placed tightly against one another, creates an entirely solid fence. It is very effective, but not the most interesting or attractive design.

If you want some ventilation through the fence and more style, consider a simple board-on-board design. Every other board is attached to the opposite side of the fence rails. If someone stands at an angle, they can see just a little through the fence, so it does not provide the full privacy of a stockade fence.

A board-and-batten fence is very popular for homes. It is similar to a stockade fence, but it has narrow battens over the joints for a more finished look. The cost of the narrow battens does not add much to the overall material costs. A slat fence uses narrow boards with a gap between them. It provides the least privacy but more ventilation.

It is easy to find plans for any of these fence designs. Most home center stores have fence building guides that provide a printout of all the materials needed for your fence. Even so, it is still wise to make a scale layout of your new fence on graph paper. This makes it easier to determine the proper spacing for the best appearance.

The strength of any fence comes from the vertical posts that support it. Most people use pressure-treated four- by four-inch posts spaced eight feet apart. They can be placed in holes backfilled with gravel, but using concrete is better.

The holes should be deeper than the frost line for your area. Taper out the hole at the bottom to make it more stable. Crown the top of the concrete so rainwater does not puddle on it. Always use galvanized or stainless-steel fasteners even though they are more expensive. Using metal hangers makes alignment simpler.

board and batten fence tip sheet
James Dulley
James Dulley
Send your questions to Here's How, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244, or visit Dulley.com. To find out more about James Dulley and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Creators.com. Copyright 2021 Creators.com
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