Tan Truong



App of the Week: Scribblenauts Remix

App of the Week: Scribblenauts Remix

iPhone App of the Week: Waze 3.0

iPhone App of the Week: Waze 3.0

App of the Week: YouMail 2.1.5

App of the Week: YouMail 2.1.5

iPhone App of the Week: Talkatone 1.0.3

iPhone App of the Week: Talkatone 1.0.3

App of the Week: SoundHound 4.0.1

App of the Week: SoundHound 4.0.1

App of the Week: Discovr Music 1.6

App of the Week: Discovr Music 1.6

App of the Week: Sign It! 3.2

App of the Week: Sign It! 3.2

App of the Week: QuickPix 1.2.2

App of the Week: QuickPix 1.2.2

Apple’s App of the Week: BrainPOP

Apple’s App of the Week: BrainPOP

App of the Week: Plex

App of the Week: Plex