Battlefields Staff

Battlefields Staff

The Battlefields Staff is a diverse collective of military veterans, first responders, and their supporters, who share their thoughts and experiences on the front lines and the home front through The Epoch Times.


Bridging the Gap: Framing America’s Civ-Mil Problem

Bridging the Gap: Framing America’s Civ-Mil Problem

The Decline in Stature of the American Veteran

The Decline in Stature of the American Veteran

Why Are States Having to Use the National Guard for Routine State Functions?

Why Are States Having to Use the National Guard for Routine State Functions?

Practical Military Realism in an Unpredictable World: Machiavelli’s Treatise on Fortune

Practical Military Realism in an Unpredictable World: Machiavelli’s Treatise on Fortune

Comparative Analysis: Why It’s the Enemy of True Progress and Joy for Veterans

Comparative Analysis: Why It’s the Enemy of True Progress and Joy for Veterans

Living Like It’s September 12th: Dangers of the Modern Lens

Living Like It’s September 12th: Dangers of the Modern Lens