We Love You Guys

We Love You Guys
The Reader's Turn

Here are my thoughts on Epoch Times:

We have been subscribed to your paper for about a year.  I feel that the paper has achieved a “sweet spot” between web delivery of news and god old fashion, read it, smell the ink, hear the crinkle of the newsprint when you fold it, fold it to a good article and save it for later, line the birdcage, kind of paper.

You also have found a sweet spot between the predictable, knee jerk, sometimes ugly right, and the ever more despicable left. Mostly you seem to deal in fact over emotion. Where did you ever discover that radical concept in the journalistic world?

Anyhow, we love you guys, love the daily edition, love the hard-copy although it does not always get here in a timely manner, love your approach to issues and respect for to our precious national sovereignty.  I always get the feeling that there must be a lot of good folks working very hard to get the paper out. Thanks for the hard work.

James M.
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