Wanted to Express My Support

Wanted to Express My Support
The Reader's Turn


Just wanted to express my support of your publication, The Epoch Times, both print and online paper. I started my subscription last month, not really knowing what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised at the quality and timely news reporting on current events, culturally significant topics, mind/body wellness, and even historical and traditional events/perspectives. Such a breath of fresh air to news reporting, a far cry from the mainstream media outlets. Thank you, Lord!!!

Today I requested a free sample paper to several family members and some friends, who I think would enjoy and benefit from your publication as well.  I think it will cause a little “buzz” in my immediate circle; I will enjoy receiving some of their reactions and feedback!

Keep up the good fight- honest, accurate reporting through a lens of truth and tradition. America, the greatest country on God’s green earth, is rooted in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all who are privileged to call this place home. May we never take these things for granted nor relent in defending these foundational principles.

May God bless America, our leaders, and our upcoming election. May God’s will prevail, His grace and love be made known and His never-ending mercies fall on us all to us in these times of turmoil, conflict, and unprecedented and persistent unknowns.

Kind and humble regards, Angela M.

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