The Oslo Accords

We pray for the safety of the many hostages taken by Hamas.
The Oslo Accords
The Reader's Turn
Roger Simon, in a front page Opinion section article (Oct. 11–17, A13) clearly presents the question of “Hamas Attacks: Who’s Responsible?” and wonders what PLO leader Yassar Arafat was really thinking when agreeing to the Oslo Accords. Mr. Simon self-answers that he cannot really know. But the answer couldn’t be clearer.

Once Arafat was back in the Arab world, he was challenged on how he could ever make an agreement with Israel. His response on Arab television was one word—“Al-Hudaybiyah.” That silenced his critics.

They knew the treaty by that name was agreed to by Mohammad after he failed his military effort to conquer Mecca. This peace treaty was to last 10 years. But after two years, Mohammad had strengthened his army sufficiently to break the treaty and take Mecca. Arafat’s one word response could not have been clearer. His Oslo Accords hand-shaking with Israel was to give him time to better organize. He would unilaterally ignore its requirements when he was able.

Mr. Simon also discusses the Biden administration allowing access of $6 billion to Iran for the release of five U.S. “prisoners” held by Iran—stating it was specifically for humanitarian purposes. But the Iran hierarchy explicitly publicly stated they will use it for whatever they desire. How did Secretary of State Antony Blinken ever continue with this fiction?

We pray for the safety of the many hostages taken by Hamas, for the healthy recovery of the wounded, for the safety of the IDF members, as well as for the Gazans who are not active Hamas participants.

Ronald S. Sheinson Maryland