Retail Workers Should Spend Thanksgiving With Family, Not Customers

You can support small retailers by joining me and your neighbors on the fifth annual national Small Business Saturday, this coming Nov. 28.
Retail Workers Should Spend Thanksgiving With Family, Not Customers
The Reader's Turn

Dear Editor,

You can support small retailers by joining me and your neighbors on the fifth annual national Small Business Saturday, this coming Nov. 28.

Skip the national chain stores’ annual Black Friday Madness, which now starts early Thursday night. Some stores are open all day. Thanksgiving Day should be a time to be with loved ones and family. More and more stores remind me of the Grinch in staying open, resulting in too many employees having to choose between family and work. The dishonor roll for 2015 of stores open on Thanksgiving include Best Buy, J.C. Penny, K-Mart, Kohl’s, Lord & Taylors, Macys. Michaels, Modells, Old Navy, Sears, Target, ToysRus, and Walmart.

Small Business Saturday began on November 27, 2010. It was in response to both Black Friday (large stores) and Cyber Monday (e-commerce stores). Small Business Saturday is designed for those starting holiday shopping to patronize small along with local community based business.

Give PC Richards credit for being the first major store to close on Thanksgiving Day. This year, the honor role includes Barnes & Nobles, BJ’s, Costco, DSW, Home Depot, IKEA, Jo-Ann, Marshalls, Nordstrom, Petco, Pier 1 Imports, Saks Fifth Avenue, Sams Club, and Staples, along with PC Richards. They are putting aside financial greed in favor of allowing their employees to stay home with family. Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with friends and family. Get a good night’s sleep and instead come out and support Small Business by shopping local.


Larry Penner Great Neck, N.Y.

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