Stories All Ring True About the Problem of Identity We Now Face

Stories All Ring True About the Problem of Identity We Now Face
The Reader's Turn

A consistent storyline played out in some articles featured in the June 2–8, 2021, edition of The Epoch Times. Coincidence maybe, but I found a thread of similarity. One story [by Cara Ding] reports that “On Memorial Day, Parents Pass Down Patriotism at Wall Honoring Fallen Soldiers.” Another story [by Thalia Zhao] chronicles the story of a lady taking on a big project. “Filmmaker Tammy Lane Is on a Mission to Tell the Story of Young George Washington.” In addition, an editorial [by the Editorial Board], “This Memorial Day, a New Birth of Freedom.” But the narrative that makes these stories significant and consistent was the sad story reported in a Roger Kimball editorial, “Our Vice President Ignores Memorial Day, as Our National Identity Needs Shoring Up.”

I saw no postings in social media of any mention of either Memorial Day or D-Day. On the Biden White House website, no mention of these subjects, until I mentioned it and others made comments. We have an administration that proves on a daily basis how, where, and when they choose to “bail“ on the American people. Parents have to teach history now, as folks like Agoritsa Barczak of Oswego, Illinois, did. The teachers who used to do it evidently have no interest in anything anymore, after 1619. Our president and vice president consider Memorial Day a ”long weekend,” completely ignoring the fact that the “long weekend” was the one on June 6, 1944, that made all of our long weekends possible. Our so-called president wants us to seek his approval before we celebrate a COVID-free Independence Day. The concept of Independence Day is the very reason we don’t need his permission.

The Biden administration is abdicating any responsibility for recognizing key American events or people. They have no interest in anything that doesn’t point to real or imagined racism. Tulsa, 1619, January 6th instead of June 6th, is all that matters.

We have our work cut out for us because we don’t have a Washington, D.C., anymore, just George Washington. You may not recognize him much longer. His monuments have been toppled.

Charles Lopresto


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