Someone Was Missing From the Recent Republican Candidates Presidential Debate

Someone was missing from the recent Republican candidates presidential debate.
Someone Was Missing From the Recent Republican Candidates Presidential Debate
Then-2016 Republican presidential candidates (L-R) John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and Rand Paul at the CNBC Republican presidential debate at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo., on Oct. 28, 2015. AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill
The Reader's Turn

Dear Editor,

Someone was missing from the recent Republican candidates presidential debate. Former New York Governor George Pataki continues to poll less than 1 percent.

While other candidates have raised millions, he has only $255,000 to date. As a result, Pataki has never been part of the prime time debates and relegated to the second tier children’s table. This time, he could not even qualify for the junior debate.

Remember the movie “Animal House”? The late comedian John Beluchi’s character Bluto graduated Faber College with a 0.0 grade point average. Pataki isn’t polling much higher. While Bluto went on to become a U.S. Senator, Pataki has zero chance of becoming president.

It is time he follow both governors Rick Perry of Texas and Scott Walker of Wisconsin and withdraw from the 2016 Republican part primary contest. Come home George!


Larry Penner Great Neck, N.Y.