Science Polluted by Politics

Those self-serving, amoral, and cowardly agendas are eroding the very fabric of the historically respected study of “science,” in all its domains.
Science Polluted by Politics
The Reader's Turn
I feel compelled to congratulate the authors of the several related articles published in the Sept. 20–26 edition: Wesley J. Smith [“Say No to ‘Public Health’ Imperialism”], Stella Paul [“Whatever Happened to Informed Consent?”], Raw Egg Nationalist [“Who Regulates the Regulators?”], and H. Sterling Burnett [“Climate Studies Show ‘Consensus’ Claims to Be Based on Bullying, Not Science”].

Their articles are part of the developing “consensus” held by many of my medical colleagues that the purely scientific evidence-based community is polluted by political agenda. Those self-serving, amoral, and cowardly agendas are eroding the very fabric of the historically respected study of “science,” in all its domains. We face the analysis of climate fearing bullies. Ineffective inoculation against a ubiquitous virus is a commanded “vaccine” and their vaccine failure therapies for treatment are financially driven. The term “emergency” covers just about anything to justify authoritarianism. Woke is revealed to be self-destructive, yet the alphabet soup of correctness persists, if not growing in strength, as advocated by very tiny bullhorns amplified by the willing media.

But to congeal the entire cabal of complaining commentaries is the article authored by Laura Hollis (“God or Government”): “We as individuals can freely choose to restrain ourselves.”

From top to bottom—journalists, reporters, commentators, editors, politicians, religious and civic leaders, community activists, scientists, and parents—we all need to reflect on the flood of real “hate-speech” that is polluting our minds and intended to degrade our personal experiences to tear us apart.

Divide and conquer is an undefeated truth. Ask, “Who is the conqueror?” If it certainly isn’t that “man” in the mirror, then why are you being duped into believing “them”?

Wake up, woke Americans ... or will you just lie in bed with misery?

Ted Yaeger Florida