Russia and China Missile Threats

Russia and China Missile Threats
The Reader's Turn

President Trump is correct in withdrawing from the intermediate range missile treaty with Russia enacted 30 years ago, because Russia broke the treaty with its missile development.

Another problem with the treaty was it did not prevent non-treaty countries from developing intermediate range missiles; and China has developed and deployed intermediate range missiles. The Chinese missiles can outperform our defensive systems that protect Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.

As a former Navy enlisted and officer (Penn State 1963, NROTC), I am concerned with the Chinese missiles designed to thwart the capabilities of our aircraft carriers, because the anti-ship missiles can be launched beyond the range of our carrier-based aircraft. This places us at a disadvantage in countering Chinese threats in the Far East.

Previous U.S. administrations were negligent when they supported the treaty. Now we are initiating a huge effort to rebuild our intermediate missile forces.

Note: In July 2019, the United States and Israel carried out successful tests of the Israeli Arrow-3 ballistic missile defense system at a base in Alaska. Ostensibly, the test was conducted by Israel in Alaska due to space considerations in Israel.

Donald New Hampshire

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