Inspiring to Read

Inspiring to Read
The Reader's Turn

The Epoch Times section “ Life and Tradition” in the August 26-Sept.1 in the book about Robert Wise’s life in movies was so inspiring to read. My memory of seeing the movie when it came to San Jose, CA, and watching reruns on TV came flooding back while reading the full page article by Tiffany Brannan.

In this year of 2020 with daily news reports of riots by educated young people who are tearing our cities down, it was with pleasure I lost myself in the wonderful story of Robert Wise and his directing of the movie, The Sound of Music by Miss Brannan.  She has inspired me to buy the book, “Robert Wise” the Motion Pictures by J.R. Jordan.

Not only was I taken back in time to my joy of viewing the family favorite movie with my own three sons and husband but have longed ever since for the good family movies to return. The day the script was approved as completely acceptable to be shown in theaters was January 14, 1964, the day our third son was born.

Today’s movies contain way too much violence and destruction and have no doubt dulled the minds of youth who watch them into thinking family values and morality are not needed in their lives. I am proud of Tiffany and her sister who, in 2016, founded the Pure Entertainment Preservation Society which will help bring back the Motion Picture Production Code.

To view the printed credentials of Tiffany in The Epoch Times gives me great hope that we have teens today who want to see their future entertainment cleaned up.

Thank you for the wonderful read and I may watch the movie for my fifth time.

Sincerely submitted,

Joan S.

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