He Would Have Her Read the Epoch Times to Him Until the Day He Died

He Would Have Her Read the Epoch Times to Him Until the Day He Died
The Epoch Times newspaper. Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

A reader called in to share her story:

“When my husband, an-ex Navy pilot, was dying and could barely hear or speak, he would just say ”newspaper“, meaning The Epoch Times. He was asking me to read The Epoch Times out loud to him.” Close to death, he could barely see but he would ask her to put it close to his face. He would have her read The Epoch Times to him until the day he died, he loved it so much. She thanked us over and over for providing such a great news source for Americans. Her son and daughter now receive subscriptions. She called to be asked to be taken off the sample list, is all, since she can’t look at an Epoch Times without thinking of him now. She lives with her daughter and shares her subscription.

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