Great Investigative Reporting

Great Investigative Reporting
The Epoch Times newspaper. Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

First of all, my wife and I have happily been subscribers for several months now. Other than a county paper for more local coverage, we have not allowed a newspaper into our home and our lives for years! We both grew tired of having others tell us what we were supposed to think and of slanted, opinion-based editorials we did not agree with and they were masked as journalism.

I am a former investigative reporter and I remain proud of my training in journalistic integrity and investigating the facts, and writing in such a way that the reader could make up their own mind. I thought those days were over until I took the opportunity to try out The Epoch Times. It is everything you promise and more. I love the feel of a real newspaper in my hands. I love the daily email and online edition. Both of these are professionally done and the online edition is easy to navigate. My wife absolutely loves the giant size crossword puzzles and sudoku! I love the sections and really appreciate the standout section called “Opinion.” This is honest. But for the most part, your paper and online edition are just straight reporting, and I appreciate that more than you will ever know!

However, when I first got my copies, I was having a difficult time reading them. Then I realized that it has been years before my brain was actually engaged while trying to read the newspapers. The only faculty of my mind involved was judgment, is this true or is it false. In other words, The Epoch Times made me think and neurons were firing in my brain for perhaps the first time in many years! It is what journalism was meant to be, is supposed to be, and is what I was trained to investigate and report.

Your foray into video is also great! For all you do, keep up the great work! I have recommended you to all my friends and family, in person, by phone, and online! I’m seriously considering sending some of them some trial subscriptions for the holidays.

My only request is to see some comics or “toons” (political and otherwise), at least weekly, but once in a while for sure. Many families including the one I grew up with, always look forward to the Sunday paper that had all the ads coupons, but especially the colored comics or tunes. When we were subscribers to other newspapers we got so tired of the dailies that we just canceled everything about the weekly or the Sunday paper. Then, even that got so bad, so we just quit buying them altogether.

I’m not suggesting that you make a thicker paper with all the ads, etc., like most Sunday papers, but I would sure love to see the comics at least on a Sunday in print and online!


Dahni & Susan

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