Epoch Times Is ‘EPOCHAL!’

A reader celebrates the positive message of Epoch Times’ New Year’s edition featuring “Everyday Heroes of 2015.”
Epoch Times Is ‘EPOCHAL!’
Epoch Times newspapers. The Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

Dear Editor,

Your front page cover story and headline in this New Year’s edition is a wonderful message to greet people as they start their day.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to read this full-page spread. How refreshing, and downright revolutionary, that a newspaper actually prints a prominent positive message that praises the best in humanity! Considering the current environment, this is EPOCHAL!!!!!!!!!

I feel the Epoch Times generally focuses on uplifting rather than doing fearmongering or tearing down. You folks really love truth and justice. And there’s something in your newspaper for everyone.

How wonderful all this is! Just what we need.


Arty Finmann Proud resident of Berkeley, Calif., Mother City of Protest

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