
New York wants to eliminate gas stoves and use only electric stoves in all new buildings.
The Reader's Turn

The history of the world, especially in relatively modern times, has been one of science and invention benefiting civilization and mankind. From the steam engine, to electrification, to the internal combustion engine, to instant communication, to harnessing the power of the atom, each milestone has been embraced by millions and improved the life of the average citizen around the world. In the past, some governments even helped to make these innovations available to the public and improve the lives of their subjects.

However, it is becoming more and more evident that things have changed. Governments around the world, especially that of the United States, are drunk with power and crave even more control over the people they are supposedly elected to serve. Corruption runs deep and wide. No government can ever really be trusted. The American Indian tried it and you can see the result. Electrification brought untold benefits to the country 100 years ago. But I submit that the current elites of this country and the world see electrification as a means of controlling the power of life and death over their subjects. The push for the elimination of fossil fuels as the basis for unlimited energy and their replacement with so called “renewables” in order to save the planet from ecological disaster is nothing more than an effort to place more power and control in the hands of the elites. We read every day of some government plan to force the abandonment of proven effective and efficient methods of making life enjoyable and affordable. For instance New York wants to eliminate gas stoves and use only electric stoves in all new buildings. Forget EMPs from foreign adversaries. The real and probable threat: national government. The purpose of this ongoing push to one source of energy—electricity—is so that governments and the privileged elites who run them can control every aspect of the life of the average citizen. The tyrant’s dream, the push of a button or the turning of the switch and instantly, homes, neighborhoods and even towns and cities will be thrown into total darkness and despair. No heat, no cooling, no refrigeration, no food, no cooking, no fresh water or sewage, no transportation and absolutely no communication between affected victims. The chaos resulting from such event(s) would rival the science fiction movies and stories put forth by the most imaginative minds. The beauty of such events is that they can be planned, implemented and controlled by those in charge with minimal effort. No need to wipe out the areas that support the government in power, think Democrat controlled cities and states. Rather, targeted foci of opposition could be eliminated without firing a shot. Oh, perhaps selected avenues of escape from the chaos might need to be roadblocked with force and violence, but road nets are easily controllable with minimum effort. The wildfires of Maui come to mind. Enclaves of opposition would be left to simply wither on the vine. Think it couldn’t happen? No political leader could be that evil to want to wipe out millions of his own citizens? Review history, even recent history. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, the list goes on and is constantly renewed by evil men whose lust for power and control know no bounds. Millions sacrificed by starvation, pestilence and brutal violence. Another lesson from history—an unarmed citizen is merely a slave. Take to heart the famous quote “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”

Michael N. Mattia Florida