Do Something. Do Anything.

Do Something. Do Anything.
The Reader's Turn

About a year or so ago, I wrote a letter to The Epoch Times editor titled “Why SpaceX and Elon Musk Are the Right Stuff.” Shortly thereafter, I was contacted by a gentleman who I will call Mr. G. The subject line was “Contact with a Kindred Spirit.” That certainly caught my attention. According to Mr. G, my article brought back many memories of his experiences as a major hardware supplier for the NASA space programs. In 2019, Mr. G had written a letter to Elon Musk offering his expertise, but after further studying Musk’s design concepts, never sent it. He sent me the letter and a bit about his background, and I was hooked. Actually, he had me at “kindred spirit.” After giving him the advice to go ahead and send the letter to Musk, we remained in email contact.

Since June 2020, Mr. G and I have carried on email correspondence. We have become friends from afar, much like pen pals from the old days. He described himself as a bit older, and indeed, he is. He graduated college 36 years before I did, so yes, he is “a bit older.” As I soon discovered, age matters not where kindred spirits are concerned. I have even been added to the Class of 1951 alumni list for his graduating class, even though I never attended his college. I consider it an honor.

Yes, you read that right: the class of 1951. As I write this, Mr. G and his classmates are preparing for their 70th college reunion this fall 2021. I am in awe when I consider that this amazing group of people graduated just a few years after WWII ended. Over this past year or so, Mr. G and his classmates have been in the thick of it, keeping up with everything from the November 2020 election (and the fraud) to ivermectin to foreign infiltration of American universities for nefarious purposes. In particular, the alumni group has been incredibly active in raising awareness about the fairly substantial Chinese connections to their beloved alma mater (which I won’t name here to avoid ruffling any feathers). They kept the pressure on their university and even wrote a pointed letter to the university president. They contacted fellow alumni to raise awareness about the massive Chinese connections to the school. Since then, the president has stepped down, and I gleefully emailed the 1951 team to tell them that I am sure they played a key role in that resignation.

This amazing gentleman has sent me articles from the Prague newspaper. He pens thoughtful emails reflecting on God and country, like the one titled “Early Easter Morning Thoughts from a Not-So-Over-The-Hill God-Loving Patriot.” He uses great phrasing like “I would welcome a response; I know you are not all snowflakes, but you do have many distractions that are keeping you from focusing on what is going on in our beloved country.” He reads quite a bit and has asked if I am familiar with Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War.” (Yes, Mr. G, I am familiar.) He is a smart, fearless patriot, and I am glad he came into my life in this small way.

My point to all of this? He’s doing something. Actually, he’s doing a lot. He turned off the TV and got off the couch. He overcame the sense of helplessness that many of us feel in today’s corrupt political environment. Mr. G is engaged. He is a fierce critical thinker, which is more than I can say for many people I interact with on a daily basis, I’ll tell you that. In this incredible time of upheaval in our country, when a small group of political criminals is trying to undermine our liberties and dramatically change the face of America forever, we must all do our part. If you want your freedom, you must fight for it. Make the time. Read an article. Do some research. Share your knowledge. Go to your school board meeting. Write a letter to your university president asking some hard questions. Do something. Do anything. Speak up. Speak out. Do what is right. Mr. G and the class of 1951 are in the fight. Are you?

Jacqueline Havelka


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