Dangers of EMFs

I cry this from the rooftops for anyone who would listen.
Dangers of EMFs
The Reader's Turn
I very much enjoyed the six part series on EMFs “EMF: The Invisible Hazard“ and the expansive amount of helpful information included for how to reduce exposure levels and how to improve your resilience to electronic radiation emissions.

I consider myself a survivor, so far, of this very harmful radiation. I was an order selector for 16 years in a food distribution warehouse in central California. I worked for extended periods on battery-based industrial fork-lifts (stand-ups, standard, double pallet jack, and lift truck) when I wasn’t order selecting.

Of all of these, the lift truck was the greatest contributor to our exposure levels. How do I know this? I brought an EMR tester with me to work one day and was very surprised to discover this very late in my career there, as I had become so extremely sensitive to this radiation that I was immediately able to recognize symptoms of heart palpitations and anxiousness that eventually became full blown MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome). I was having an allergic-like response to this radiation!

I won’t take too much time explaining why this will never come to the general awareness as a public health risk—our country is behind all other European standards on this type of harmful radiation. But OSHA will do nothing, as they have done nothing for me and my complaints.

On top of this, there is corruption involved with environmentalists that are sent to any site to measure the range of our exposure levels. They willfully misrepresented the levels we were exposed to daily by representing only the lowest possible exposure. They disregarded video evidence that I provided and a rebuttal to the entire testing and how it was done.

Needless to say, I experienced every single symptom you can find at the rear of the 2012 “Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome),” and you can add a period of infertility and ED to that list.

First was the skin rashes, followed by the dietary issues and new sensitivities to food, chronic fatigue, insomnia and sleep problems, joint pains, muscle fiber brittleness, mold and fungal bacteria over-growths, receding gum line, severe inflammation of my vagus nerve, heart issues, and, finally, what nearly put me into the ground, the respiratory issues caused by the intense histamine reaction my body was having.

I have the medical results or tests to prove all of these, but what I can’t prove is that this damage was caused by my exposure and the extreme working conditions that made me vulnerable to this level of radiation—because of that damnable and dishonest environmentalist report.

I hope your team continues to expose what I feel is the crime of the century that is being wrongly laid at the feet of COVID or damage from vaccines—I was experiencing these symptoms before January 2020. But it was about this time that my heart issues began in earnest—before contracting the first fever for any of the variants. Undoubtedly, anything that is compromising our immune system or suppressing it is not going to help anyone. I hope the world comes to a better understanding of these things, but it begins with reining in our abuse of technology.

I cry this from the rooftops for anyone who would listen.

Hugo Magdiel California

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