Celebrating National Waiter and Waitress Day

Celebrating National Waiter and Waitress Day
A waitress pours tea at Bettys Tea Room, Harlow Carr, in Harrogate, England, on Feb. 12, 2009. Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
The Reader's Turn

Dear Editor,

In these difficult economic times, it is especially important to patronize your favorite restaurants and honor the employees who make them a success. Why not join me in celebrating National Waiter and Waitress Day on May 21st? There are several ways to say thank you. Let your server(s), cooks, and owners know how much you appreciate the excellent food and service.

On this day, don’t forget your cook and server. We try to tip 20 percent against the total bill including taxes. If it is an odd amount, round up to the next dollar. Why not leave a 25 percent tip on this day? If you can afford to eat out, you can afford an extra dollar tip. When ordering take out, don’t forget to leave a dollar or two for the waiter or cook. Trust us, it is appreciated.

Remember the people who work at your favorite restaurant are our neighbors. They work long hours for little pay and count on tips, which make up a significant portion of their income. If we don’t patronize our local restaurants, they don’t eat either. Your purchases keep our neighbors employed and the local economy growing.

Why not drop off a box of candy, cookies or some other treat for your favorite waiter or restaurant staff on this day as well?


Larry Penner Great Neck, N.Y.

Larry Penner is a transportation historian and advocate who previously worked in the transportation field for 31 years.
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