A Step Toward Unity

A Step Toward Unity
The Reader's Turn

One thing we are all in agreement on is we are weary of COVID. Dr. Fauci is in favor of the monoclonal antibody treatment and has estimated 85 percent of hospitalizations and death could be prevented with this remedy.

The State of Florida, under Governor Ron DeSantis, has already administered more than 10,000 doses in the past two weeks. Especially now, when vaccinated and unvaccinated people are getting sick, people need to know they have options for treating this virus.

Why, when the White House chief medical adviser is touting the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies and is encouraging people to take advantage of the treatment, do we not see this as an opportunity for the government to promote something we can all agree on?

Let’s get this going in your city, state, country, and give COVID the boot.

Sue Rice


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