12 Food Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

A list of 12 most bizarre food facts.
12 Food Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Daksha Devnani

1. Coconut water can be used as blood plasma. 

It is said that coconut water is identical to human blood plasma and can be directly injected into the human bloodstream and has been used as a plasma substitute during wartime. 

*Via Shutterstock

2. McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers every second of every day.

*Via Shutterstock

3. One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows.


4. Cucumber consists of 96% water; it’s one of the most hydrating foods.

*Via Shutterstock

5. The most expensive dessert - The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate ice cream sundae - costs $25,000 at Serendipity3. 


6.  All Froot Loops taste the same no matter what color they are.

 *Via Shutterstock

7.  Lemons are powerful citrus fruits with enzymes in their acids that are strong enough to whiten everything from your teeth to your clothes. 


8. German chocolate cake doesn’t have anything to do with Germany.

 *Via Shutterstock

9. A Coca-Cola can contains 9 teaspoons of sugar. 


10. Not all oranges are orange in color.

 *Via Shutterstock


11. The most expensive curry costs £2,000 - The Samundari Khazana.


12. Tea leaves are natural means of keeping mosquitos away.

*Via Shutterstock

*Images of  ”coconut,“ ” “Mc Donald’s store,“ ”cucumbers,“ ”bowl of fruit loops,“ ”German chocolate cake,“ ”oranges,“ and ”tea leaves“ via Shutterstock