A Global Warming Fairy Tale

A Global Warming Fairy Tale
The Reader's Turn

Once upon a time, it was called global warming, and the people were led to fear extreme heat. Then it turned cold at times, and the big bad climate alarmists changed global warming to climate change to cover their mistakes. Then somebody slipped up and admitted that the last ice age had volatile weather, and that warm periods, like our present Holocene, had been more stable. But the people continued to be told that today’s climate was becoming more extreme, either too cold or too hot. The weather must be just right, they said.

But the big bad climate alarmists were wrong, and they knew it, because they were plotting against people. They knew that the climate had been maybe 4 degrees warmer 10,000 years ago and cooling since then, but there was big money to be made in scaring people. When confronted with the real facts, they began to call others names, a sure sign of trickery.

What they don’t tell the people is that global warming or climate change or global climate disruption, or whatever, would affect the North and South Poles the most, bringing their temperatures closer to that of the Equator. And since global winds are driven by temperature differences, the reduced temperature gradient between the poles and the Equator would result in less extreme weather.

So, today we have a mild warming that’s disappointing to all the big bad climate alarmists.  We’re experiencing less extreme weather—not more—such as reduced tornadoes and hurricanes. But the big bad climate alarmists aren’t giving up, insisting that we all sacrifice much of what we hold dear so that we can be kept contained and controlled in our petty little world. The filthy rich elite will be able to go their merry way, but we’ll live unhappily ever after.

Ron McCarley


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