7 Things Parents Should Do Before Summer

7 Things Parents Should Do Before Summer
Summer is a time for family, whether it involves traveling or just hanging out and enjoying each other's company. (Ground Picture/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza

Summer’s on its way. As every parent knows, summers are precious opportunities to embrace the very best of childhood and, at the same time, periods of potential challenge when it comes to day-to-day thriving as a family.

To make the most of the former and minimize the latter, here are seven things to do before summer starts.

Tighten Screen Habits

Begin to tighten the reins when it comes to screen time in your home. As much as possible, minimize the amount of time your children (and you) spend staring at screens of all kinds—phones, tablets, televisions, and computers.
Come up with a strategy, a set of rules, or guidelines that you’ll carry into the summer to ensure that the family is focusing on the real life in front of them, not the digital one delivered through screens.


Get through your spring cleaning and assess what may be needed for summer wardrobes. Rid yourself of items in your home that no longer serve you, and make your home one that’s easy to tidy. This way, when you enlist the troops to clean up after themselves all summer long, they’ll be able to do so easily.

Finalize Your Calendar

If you still need to sign up for activities, book your summer vacation, or plan get-togethers with family and friends, take care of it now. A summer sprinkled with fun things to look forward to and a predictable schedule is one the whole family can enjoy. Reviewing your calendar at a glance before summer starts will also allow you to ensure you’ve got enough downtime for relaxation and serendipity to take hold.

Solidify Your School Plan

Yes, I know this school year is still going, but take a gander at next school year. What’s the plan? If you’re homeschooling, this is a great time to make your plans for next year so that you can enjoy a free summer. Perhaps you’re rethinking your children’s schooling, like so many parents are today. Handle those decisions before summer begins if you can.

Stock Up

As summer approaches, make sure everyone has the bathing suits, goggles, sandals, and shorts they need to enjoy the warm weather approaching. Further, begin to gather healthy snacks and beverages to have on hand. Why is it that kiddos need 10 times more snacks in summer than any other time of year? Stock up on the basics you’ll need for a delightful summer.

Schedule Time for Yourself

Summer can be a demanding time for parents. It’s great fun, but it can wear you out. Pencil in some downtime for yourself if possible. Perhaps there’ll be a day or two that your spouse takes the lead and you head to the spa or the coffee shop. Perhaps the grandparents would like to host the kids for a weekend this summer.
Plan ahead to give yourself a breather. A little break can help propel you forward by being both something to look forward to and something that rejuvenates you.

Lighten Up

The weight of the world seems to be heavy on most people’s shoulders these days. Aim to take the optimistic view this summer. Reduce your news consumption, tell silly jokes, dance around the backyard, and have fun with your family. Begin now to shift your mindset to one that’s a bit more hopeful and more appreciative of the beauty in the present moment.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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