7 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Homeschool Day

7 Simple Ways to Brighten Your Homeschool Day
It’s easy to inject levity into routine school days, even when focused on things such as mathematical equations and sentence diagramming. Von fizkes/Shutterstock
Barbara Danza

One of the greatest joys of homeschooling is all the fun you can have as a family. From creative projects to scientific experiments, to deep dives into all of the topics your kids are interested in, to field trips and family adventures—the possibilities are endless.

Of course, not every homeschool day is going to entail fun-filled excursions or elaborate projects. But it’s easy to inject levity into routine school days as well, even when focused on things such as mathematical equations and sentence diagramming.

Here are seven simple ways to brighten any school day.


Break out all the cheesy puns and dad jokes that are “so bad, they’re good” to keep things from getting too serious in your homeschool. When does a joke become a dad joke? When the punchline becomes apparent.
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Insert jokes like this into any situation that could benefit from a giggle, chuckle, or even a smirk and eye roll.


Homeschooling isn’t without its challenges. When the math lesson is a struggle, when the online class is dragging, or when the project just isn’t turning out the way they’d hoped, a plate of warm cookies or sliced fruit can go a long way. Pairing the difficult things with an occasional tasty treat makes it all just a bit more joyful and possible.


There’s almost always something to be celebrated, so go for it. The seasons, birthdays and anniversaries, traditional holidays throughout the year, and even the made-up ones like National Donut Day are too fun to skip. Add some festive, decorative accents to your homeschool space, cook an appropriate celebratory treat, and mark the occasion together. As you study history and geography, you’re sure to learn about celebrations of other cultures and places that you can incorporate as well for lessons your children won’t soon forget.


Some aspects of your child’s education may benefit from some external reward. Prizes can be utilized in a variety of ways to encourage sticking to new habits, going the extra mile, or encouraging continued success. Catching your children doing something great and then rewarding them with something small but fun will brighten their day for sure.


Soft, classical music playing in the background can have a remarkable effect on your homeschool’s atmosphere. When celebrating, more festive music would be appropriate. When it’s time to get everyone involved in the cleanup, perhaps more energetic playlists would coax everyone along. Use music to set the tone and brighten each day.

Fresh Supplies

It’s almost comical how joyful a new notebook, pen, eraser, or color of paint can be to a hard-working homeschooler. Surprise the kiddos every now and then with a fresh new tool to put to use. It’s a small gesture that keeps things interesting.


Remember how it felt back in regular school when the teacher rolled in that television cart? Even television can be educational. From time to time, incorporate movies and documentaries into your homeschool schedule. When you’ve finished reading a book that was made into a movie or when a great documentary covers the exact period of history, subject of science, or region of the world you’re studying, pop some popcorn and enjoy a great way to enhance the lesson.

As you diligently make sure your children are progressing in their studies, don’t forget to enjoy the process and have fun as a family. It’s easy to brighten any homeschool day.

Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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