6 Incredible Dog Transformations

6 Incredible Dog Transformations

If you’re a puppy owner, you must have realized by now that they don’t all come fully trained and ready to be the picture of obedience. In fact, tiny pups can be rowdy, messy, and unruly. If allowed to stay like that, they can grow into nasty dogs who bark at everything that passes down the street from their house and are a handful on walks - to say the least.

Some of the bigger dogs might even turn into a danger to those around them if they get too territorial about their home and their owner, which inevitably leads to the worst.

It is both in your own and in your dog’s best interests that they’re socialized and trained properly from an early age and that you have a proper understanding of canine behavior. Keep reading to learn about six ways you can transform your dog with the proper training and socialization.

(Maria Sbytova/Shutterstock)
Maria Sbytova/Shutterstock

They Won’t be Rude to Visitors 

If your dog is being rude to visitors and barking at them, make sure you tell them to go sit in a corner and encourage your visitors to give them treats. This will help your dog associate good behavior and visitors with treats instead of associating them as a threat. Of course, this only works with relatively peaceful dog breeds that are easier to train. If you want to get an idea of what good dogs act like, you can read about Labradoodles with training on Pride & Prejudoodles. On the other hand, dog breeds that are naturally territorial or “guard dogs” might need some extra help, which is why it’s so important to give your dogs the proper training from an early age.

Taking Them on Walks Would be Easier 

If your dog is hard to take on walks because they’re always trying to chase after different scents and small animals, or rushing to greet other humans and animals they meet in the dog park before waiting for your permission, maybe it’s time for some changes.
Make sure the length of your dog leash is right for your dog, factoring in things like size and age, and that your dog might pull and push on the leash at first, so the leash needs to be not too tight around their neck but not too loose either. After this, you need to make sure you learn a little bit about how to act with your dog when you take them out for walks.
The right approach, assertiveness, and not giving into your dog’s whims are some of the only ways you can get them to understand who’s boss.

They Won’t Lick You Too Much 

A lot of friendly dogs have a habit of licking their owner’s face and even that of visitors and children, but too much licking is neither fun for anyone nor safe for little kids and small animals.
You can help establish this boundary by turning away as soon as you feel like the licking is getting too much, and with time your dog will start to listen when you tell them no, or tell them to stop when you feel like it’s getting too much. This is especially important if your dog is larger than normal - too much affection can be overwhelming in that case.

Keep Them From Getting on Furniture 


There’s nothing wrong with chilling with your dogs on the couch, but you need to decide what the boundaries are for your dog and then stick with those boundaries.

Make sure your dogs know where they are and aren’t allowed, and don’t budge on those boundaries - this will only confuse them. The same way they’re not allowed on the furniture or on specific surfaces, you’re not supposed to spend time with them on the floor either. All this is to make sure they know that you’re in charge and follow your lead in daily life.

Help With Their Aggressive Behavior 

If your dog is showing signs of aggressive behavior, you need to take them to a specialist immediately for training and proper rehab. Aggressive dogs are a threat to you and everyone around them, and not everyone understands how to deal with that - this situation is best left to the experts.
Once they’re on the other side though, your dog will be better for it and once again ready to be the ideal pet.

They Won’t Dig Up the Backyard 

A lot of dogs love to dig up the backyard, either to hide their toys underground or to have a cool place to lay in during the summer. If this sounds like your dog, you need to make sure their outdoor time is supervised, or give them a certain area of the backyard to dig up as they please.

If you have limited space, try giving them some toys and playing with them to expend their energy, or to distract them with other things so they don’t feel inclined to dig up the backyard anymore.

This article was originally published on petbloglady.com.
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Lisa Taron
Lisa Taron
Lisa Taron is the founder of PetBlogLady.com.
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