45 Ways to Live the Big Life on a Small Budget

45 Ways to Live the Big Life on a Small Budget
LightField Studios/Shutterstock
Tribune News Service
By Stefanie O'Connell From Gobankingrates.com
Living on a small budget doesn’t mean you have to give up the good life. There are ways to eat well, travel and dress like a million bucks without having to drop a whole bunch of cash.

Make Money With Your Bank Accounts

Everyone needs somewhere to put their money, but there are options and then there are smarter options. Before picking an account or if you’re looking for a better one, shop around and find one that maximizes your money by helping you organize and grow it.

Use Rewards Credit Cards

You can make many items on your wish list more affordable by using a credit card that offers rewards.
Just make sure you are using your credit card wisely; you don’t want to end up in debt to afford your big lifestyle.

Eat Well on Less

If you’re wondering how to live on a budget but still eat well, scope out nearby farmer’s markets to find local, quality produce. You’ll get the best prices by stocking up on what’s in season and shopping at the end of the day when farmers are more likely to discount their remaining supply.
If you’ve ever bitten into an heirloom tomato at the height of the season, you know how luxurious a taste of premiere produce can be.

Splurge On Lunch Instead of Dinner

If you love to splurge on eating out, opt for lunch instead of dinner. Prices are typically lower in the middle of the day than they are at the height of the dinner rush. And the food is just as delicious.

Take Advantage of Nature for Exercising

Take advantage of the world around you and work out for free. Go for a run, walk, hike or swim, depending on where you live. Chances are that the scenery outside beats the view of the wall at your local gym.
“I enjoy going to the mountains and hiking,” said Michelle Jackson, founder of the blog Michelle Is Money Hungry. “Typically, my friends and I will carpool and have an Instagram-worthy day. There’s nothing better than enjoying what’s in my hometown’s backyard.”

Get Outside for Relaxing Romance

Instead of defining romance as dinner and a movie, take your significant other on an outdoor date. It’s not only fun, but it’s great for your budget, too.

“With four small children, any cheap date where I can get out of the house and spend time with my wife is a luxury. It can be as simple as dropping the kids off with the grandparents,” said John McCarthy of McCarthy Tax Preparation.

You can pack a picnic lunch or bring a bottle of wine to enjoy under the stars on a quiet evening.

Barter for Workouts

Exercise classes can be expensive. Try bartering for a high-class workout that doesn’t break your budget. Perhaps the instructor needs help setting up before class or cleaning the space afterward. You could also help the gym owner by running the front desk, checking in visitors, or answering the phone.
If you have time to help with these or other tasks, you might just be able to enjoy expensive, high-end workouts for less.

Find Free Meetups

If you want to make new friends or try new things in your city, the website Meetup is a great resource. Search for free events like 5K runs, book clubs, and more. You can enjoy your city, try different activities and make new friends—all without busting your budget.
If you’re trying to stay inside and avoid illness, dating sites like Bumble also offer a “friends” version that helps you develop friendships with strangers who live near you.

Make Gourmet Coffee at Home

Most grocery stores offer high-quality coffee in bulk. If you buy ground beans and brew them at home when you have a craving, you can save a bundle on your daily latte. By some estimates, you can save $1 per 16-ounce cup by self-brewing.

Consider Alternative Accommodations

When you’re traveling on a budget, remember that a hotel is not the only option for lodging. Consider alternatives like Airbnb, Couchsurfing, and Home Exchange to save money. They’re often more cost-effective and almost always offer a unique experience.

“Everyone seems to think you need to be rolling in dough to see the world, but it’s not true,” said “Make Money Your Honey” author, Amanda Abella. “Find ways to make travel more affordable by crashing with friends.”

Wallet Hacks founder Jim Wang added that vacations don’t have to be expensive to be satisfying. “What we enjoy about vacations is that we get to spend time with friends and family, see new places and not worry about work,” he said.

Make the Most of Airfare Savings Apps

Use an app like Hitlist that monitors fares from your home airport and alerts you when hot deals arise. The end result is that you can get to your dream destinations for less.
Hopper is another way to save money on flights. The app analyzes historical airfare data and lets you know whether to buy now or hold off on your booking to get the best deal. You can also visit Skiplagged, which reveals potential savings through strategies like hidden-city ticketing that you won’t find elsewhere.

Try Exchange Rate Travel

Sometimes, traveling abroad can be cheaper and easier than traveling within the United States. If you choose to visit a country where the U.S. dollar is worth more, the exchange rate works in your favor, affording you more for less. Just remember, some countries might have travel restrictions due to COVID-19, so you may have to plan your trip abroad pretty far in advance.

Take Short Trips Instead of Long Vacations

Instead of taking an extended vacation, you might find more sustainable enjoyment by taking short trips more often. Sprinkle a few long-weekend getaways into your calendar. You might also find it easier to unplug from work if you’re getting away for just a few days, rather than a week or more.

Plan a Staycation

Consider skipping the destination altogether and being a tourist in your own city. Take some time to explore areas you haven’t before. You just might stumble upon luxurious hidden gems close to home.

Resolve Your Debt Now

One of the smartest things you can do to live a big life on a small budget is to get rid of your debt. If you don’t have regular high-interest credit card payments or other debt to deal with then that money can be used for more fun.

Go Yachting With Groupon

Yachting might sound like the ultimate one-percenter experience, but evening sails, daytime cruises, and full-boat charters can be enjoyed for an affordable price when booked through discount portals like Groupon.

Rent Luxury Fashion Instead of Buying

If you have a weakness for designer items like handbags, dresses and shoes, consider renting them on sites like Lending Luxury or Bag Borrow or Steal rather than buying them outright. These portals offer weekly and monthly rates that cost only a fraction of the sticker price when buying the items new. By renting, you can also upgrade to new styles each season without incurring additional costs.

Buy Designer Items Used

You can also score designer clothing and accessories at budget-friendly rates on sites like eBay and ThredUp.com. Just make sure you know what you’re buying is high quality, and watch out for imitations that are sometimes sold as the real thing.

Host a High-End Clothing Swap

Clothing swaps are a great way to spend time with friends while getting new clothes for free. Traditionally, these swaps are not limited to high-end or designer clothes, but you can make up the rules if you decide to host your own. Just be sure that everyone understands and adheres to the guidelines so you don’t end up giving away high-quality items in exchange for things of lower value.

Focus On Trendy Accessories, Not Trendy Outfits

Refreshing a basic outfit with trendy accessories can be much cheaper than buying a brand-new look. Snag designer accents to pair with your budget basics, and you can still pull off high fashion.

Shop Out of Season

If you reset your consumer calendar to shop for swimwear in the fall and boots in the spring, you’ll save a ton by purchasing items at clearance rates. Just be sure not to wait too long, as your size and favorite designer styles might run out.

Don’t Write Off Discount Stores

Don’t write off discount stores for finding items like designer jeans and bags. To locate the best deals in these shops, stick to quality items when sifting through the clearance racks. Additionally, bargain shoppers should check for potential design flaws before making purchases.

Dress It Up

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on your outfits to feel rich. Give yourself a constant feel-good boost by dressing well each time you leave the house. Instead of donning those yoga pants to hit the grocery store, jump-start your self-confidence by wearing your favorite jeans and a cute top.

Get a High-Style, Low-Budget Haircut at a Salon School

If you don’t want to do your own hair, consider saving money by getting it cut, colored, and styled at a local beauty school.
Services at beauty school salons are provided by supervised students. Haircuts can be as cheap as $10, but it might be hard to get an appointment if you are in a time crunch or have a limited schedule.

Plan a Student Spa Day

Your local massage therapy school might not have a locker room complete with eucalyptus-scented towels and steam rooms, but it is likely to offer great rates on relaxing massage treatments. If you’re willing to be treated by a supervised student, you can indulge in future spa days for a lot less. Or, create your own affordable spa day at home.

DIY Other Salon Services

A mani-pedi can make anyone’s life feel more luxurious, but these services are expensive when indulged in regularly. Instead of shelling out every couple of weeks for professional nail art, complete your mani-pedi at home or have a mani-pedi party with a few friends where you provide these salon services for one another.

Have Movie Nights at Home

There’s nothing like a movie night after a long day at work. Instead of going to the theater and spending at least $10 on admission, and another $10 or so on snacks, pop your own popcorn, buy snacks and soda at the grocery store and watch a movie from Netflix. Even if you decide to rent a movie, you will save a lot by staying in.

Search For Discount Nights at Local Theaters

If you don’t want to give up your movie nights out, save money by checking for discount times at your local theater. Not all cinemas offer lower admissions, but they might provide cheap snacks and drinks instead.

Bring the Party to You

“One of the great joys in life is spending time with family and friends, and that doesn’t have to cost much at all. Open your home, make a pot of spaghetti or ask everyone to bring a dish, and you’ve got a party,” said Teresa Mears, CEO of deals website Living on the Cheap.

Just remember to give everyone an assignment if you decide to go potluck style, recommended New York City-based writer James Dennin.

“I like to entertain a lot and used to feel very self-conscious about telling people to bring things,” Dennin said. “Now I’m ruthless. Everyone gets an assignment, usually booze since that costs the most, and everyone’s super finicky about what they like.”

Look For Other Free Entertainment

“There are so many free things to do. You just have to find them in your local area,” said personal finance blogger Karen Cordaway.
You might be surprised by what you can find just by searching online for free events in your city. You can also look for freebies by inquiring at your local library or checking the events calendar on your local park’s website.

Invest in Memberships to Places You Frequent

If you enjoy going to a museum or zoo on a regular basis, it might make sense to invest in a membership. Memberships to many popular attractions will pay for themselves in just two or three family outings. Switch it up by buying a membership to a different attraction each year.

Make Use of Introductory Specials

Whether you’re interested in finding a grocery delivery service or a personal trainer, it’s wise to make the most of introductory specials, which give you a taste of large living for a fraction of the cost. But read the fine print to make sure you don’t sign up for more than you’ve bargained for and that you can cancel when you desire.

Buy an Older, Used Luxury Car

A financially savvy alternative to leasing a luxury car is buying a vintage used one. A “newer” used model might still be unaffordable on your small budget. However, there’s a good chance that you can find an older vehicle that hasn’t changed much over the years.

Brighten Your Space With Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers don’t have to cost a bundle, and they can really brighten up your living and working spaces. For best results, go with in-season flowers from your local grocery store, and skip the vase by using one you already have.

Upgrade Your Home Yourself

Try upgrading your current living space by using high-end finishes and design elements instead. Typically, the kitchen and bathroom are the best places to start.
To save money, try to find upgrades you can do yourself, like changing out cabinet hardware, painting and even installing new backsplash around your cabinets.

Embrace Secondhand and Vintage Home Stylings

You can furnish your home for far less if you’re willing to embrace secondhand and vintage furniture instead of buying brand-new items. These used pieces will come with their own character and charm, and can really add to the unique, HGTV-worthy look of your home.

Learn To Save on Event Tickets

Although there are plenty of events that are free or cheap to attend, there are others that come with some hefty price tags. Instead of missing out, use sites like Vivid Seats to save on costs. You can also use these online marketplaces to unload extra tickets, saving the cash for something you need.

Don’t Discount the Minor Leagues

Whether it’s minor league baseball games or open mic nights at a hole-in-the-wall comedy club, by skipping the pricey big names, you can enjoy more cost-effective but equally entertaining evenings.

Make Friends With Coupon Sites

When you’re trying to figure out how to live on a budget, you can search coupon sites to save money on goods and services in your local area. All you have to do is visit the site, input your location and start searching for the goods and services you desire.

Use Facebook To Unclutter Your Life

Use the local Facebook buy/sell/trade groups that have popped up in the last few years to sell and trade items you no longer need. Then you can use that money to buy things you do need or truly want to have in your new luxurious life.

Utilize Discount Gift Cards

Lock in simple savings by using discount gift cards at your favorite retailers. Card resale sites like Gift Card Granny can offer savings of up to 50 percent on gift cards for your top shopping destinations. Whether you want to stock up on necessities at Target or enjoy a little indulgence at Starbucks, the savings with discounted cards are already built in.

Always Check For Special Discounts

Whether you’re buying a ticket for a train ride or a Broadway show, chances are good that some select discounts exist. Always check to see whether you qualify for special rates—student, senior, local, veteran, or union member, among others. For best results, have the appropriate identification with you in case the business wants to verify your discount eligibility.

Give Back to Others

Live rich by sharing the wealth. Donate your time, money, and talents, and you’ll get them back in various ways.
Even if cash is tight, you can still have an impact by volunteering for a cause that’s meaningful to you, or donating clothes you no longer need. You can also regift rewards such as hotel loyalty points to programs like Make-A-Wish.

Ask For What You Want

It’s okay to ask for things you really want on special occasions. Even if your friends and family can’t afford to buy you what you’ve asked for, they can give you cash or a gift card to put toward large, wish-list purchases.

Splurge With Mindfulness

“Allow yourself one or two splurges that add to your overall well-being,” suggested Tiffany Alexy of Alexy Realty Group. “For me, it’s my monthly massage. I not only feel better, but it helps me feel like I’m not sacrificing anything by sticking to a budget.”

The occasional indulgence can help keep you accountable while living on a budget and ensure you maintain your new fiscal savvy long term.

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