400 days away from your family is a long time, this soldier was ready to surprise them

400 days away from your family is a long time, this soldier was ready to surprise them

Sometimes a little professional help makes surprising one’s family with a reunion all the more memorable. A soldier has had his much-anticipated homecoming documented on video, and it sure is winning hearts after being circulated online.

Military personnel miss out on so much family life due to the nature of their jobs, so it is heartwarming to see the reaction this soldier’s family had on his surprise return after being away for more than a year.

Jimmy Talbot, from Oklahoma, had been overseas for 400 days, a long time for any soldier to be away. As a warrant officer in the U.S. army, he had been in the military for 28 years, and with this last deployment he left home on the same day one of his three daughters left for her first day at college.

It was a big deal for them, and his wife, Laura, was determined to make his homecoming in May 2016 special.

Laura arranged for Redeemed Productions to film the separate reunions with his three daughters and his mother.

“There was definitely a lot of emotion in each surprise,” said Paige Bargas from Redeemed Productions.

“It was actually a little hard for us to film, as we had to stay focused and try to not get emotional ourselves!”

“We are extremely grateful to have been a part of this exciting day, and even more grateful to have Jimmy fight for our country,” Bargas added.

Take a look at the video; you are sure to feel proud of the soldiers like Talbot, who sacrifice so much in order to keep their fellow countrymen safe.

Watch the video below:

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