23 Things to Let Go in 2023

23 Things to Let Go in 2023
Disorder can be a stressful burden, while decluttering can bring peace. (Stock-Asso/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza
A new year inspires us to reach for new goals and strive for new aims. What if the key to having the best year yet lies not in accumulating, but in letting go? Here are 23 things to consider letting go of in 2023.


Jealousy and compassion can’t exist simultaneously. If you’re harboring jealousy, it’s having a toxic effect on your life. Practice celebrating the good things in others’ lives and turn feelings of envy into inspiration.


Living with debt is like living in chains. Make a strategy to get rid of your debt as quickly as possible. Think of all the ways you can earn more money and spend less while hammering away at your pile of debt. Once out of debt, set up a strategy to never get back in.


Honestly assess how judgmental you are of others. Judgment can easily become a habit and can have a negative effect on your relationships and environment. Look for the good in others and cheer people on instead.


If your living space is cluttered, your inner well-being is likely stifled. Disorder and too much stuff is a stressful burden. Begin looking around for items to donate and make a daily habit of decluttering your spaces. Little by little, you’ll enjoy a bit more inner peace.


Fear has pervaded so many aspects of life in recent years. It can be debilitating. Ask yourself how fear is holding you back. Can you find the courage to face your fears and let some of them go? What would life be like if you weren’t so afraid?


Winston Churchill famously said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” If you find yourself mostly seeing the glass as half-empty, consider adding a little hope to your outlook from time to time. Who knows what you’ll allow to happen as a result!


If you find yourself frequently disappointed in other people, audit your expectations of them. In fact, consider expecting nothing from others. Give of yourself generously with not one ounce of expectation in return and revel in the peace and happiness that brings.

Processed Foods

One of the easiest ways to improve your health and energy levels is to stay away from processed foods. Opt instead for real food that’s found in nature—fruits, vegetables, meats, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.


Complaining is something that can easily become a habit, but that brings negative energy to each endeavor or interaction. Pay attention to your frequency of complaint and try to minimize it as much as possible.


Resentment eats you up inside. It’s a heavy burden to carry. Find it within your heart to forgive anyone you feel resentment toward. It might seem difficult, but harboring resentment is much harder in the long run.


Oh, those screens. Our digital devices and the apps they host have been masterfully designed to employ every emotional trigger and psychological manipulation known to man to keep our attention. The cost of this is the attention we’d otherwise give to our real lives. How close can you get to screen-free in 2023?


The truth really will set you free. If you lie as a habit or if you live your life in a disingenuous way, begin to set things straight. Be truthful.


Most people underestimate their potential. Have confidence. Let go of your self-doubt and get to work.


Selfishness is often so deeply ingrained that it’s difficult to detect. Train yourself to think of others first, be kind and generous, and let go of the inclination to be selfish.


There’s a difference between resting and being lazy. Rest is an investment in well-being and often follows an exertion of some sort. Laziness is avoiding responsibility. Get plenty of rest, but avoid laziness.


Perfectionism is self-sabotage. It sounds noble to aim for perfection, but the elusive goal is actually a hindrance. Instead, keep your ideal outcome in mind but celebrate and focus on progress instead.


Author Gretchen Rubin said, “Nothing is more exhausting than the task that’s never started.” Kick procrastination to the curb and get started on those to-do lists that have been nagging you.

Low Standards

The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “There is nothing with which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.” Are you setting the standards you hold yourself to too low? What might you become if you raised them?


Gossip erodes trust and encourages the least likable parts of those who engage in it. Don’t gossip.


There’s truly very little we can actually control in this life. Be the best person you can be in every role you play and leave the rest up to fate.


Those with faith in divine wisdom can set their minds at ease. Worry is a thief and almost always a complete waste of time and energy. It can be challenging, but try to set aside your worry.


If you have a bad temper, you'll suffer and those around you will suffer as well. You can stop this behavior. Take steps and ask for help.


Many of our bad habits boil down to avoidance. People avoid all kinds of things—difficult conversations, discomfort, responsibility, work, and even the spotlight. When you sense yourself avoiding something, dig into that and question whether you’re making the best choice.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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