Personal finance is a complicated part of life. For example, you can’t just take your income, subtract expenses, and see what’s left. Sure, that’s where it starts. But countless additional, nuanced elements also factor into a healthy budget and effective wealth generation strategy. Consequently, it helps immeasurably to add at least a few personal finance tech tools to your toolbox.
1. Keeps You Up to Date
Often the best personal finance options adjust to your specific needs. If you spend too much, a spending tracker is useful. If you’re a saver, a retirement app is a good fit.Sometimes the applicability of a particular finance tool can be even more precise—as is the case with The military-focused website provides a wide array of resources for both current military members and veterans.
2. Acorns Helps With Savings
Managing to save money is one of the most common personal struggles at any time. Trying to do so when inflation rates are high can feel impossible. The temptation to spend money on needs and wants alike can be hard to overcome. Empty bank accounts and crowded credit card statements can leave you feeling stressed.3. Mint Gives You a Financial Snapshot
Some people need targeted personal finance tech tools. Others need comprehensive solutions. If you find that you’re in the latter category and an eclectic fintech stack isn’t helping, you may want to try the Mint app.Mint is an application with a high reputation. It can link to multiple checking accounts, integrating your assets into a single dashboard. This gives you a unified financial snapshot that can help you see positive and negative tendencies before they get out of hand.
4. Personal Capital Is Comprehensive Finance Defined
Another application similar to Mint is Personal Capital. The wealth management app provides a comprehensive and insightful financial overview.Once again, this piece of fiscally-minded software has the power to bring together multiple financial data sets. You can link up different personal checking and savings accounts to create an amalgamated snapshot of your current finances.
Along with helping with budgeting and cash flow, Personal Capital also provides a savings planner and net worth options. The former helps create and monitor savings goals. The latter gives you an accurate view of your net worth at any moment.
5. Status Money Gives You Comparables
Comparing your personal success to others is a dangerous activity. You don’t want to stoke unnecessary levels of discontentment or jealousy. And yet, there are times when seeing how you stack up against others can provide useful information.6. Goodbudget Goes Back to Budgeting Roots
Finances can feel overwhelming. When that’s the case, sometimes the best option is a simple one. That’s where GoodBudget comes into the picture.The personal finance tool focuses on the concept of relatable and user-friendly finances. In fact, it embodies the digital version of one of the oldest and most grounded forms of personal finance: the envelope system. That is a form of financial organization that utilizes envelopes to divide and track cash, creating a natural barrier to overspending in the process.
7. Prism Helps You Track Your Bills
Personal budgets tend to focus on income, expenses, and savings. It helps calculate what you owe others and how much you want to set aside for a rainy day. But it doesn’t actually pay off your bills. That’s an extra step that is easy to overlook—especially if you have a lot of different bills to attend to on a regular basis.8. Etrade Helps Manage Investments
If you already have a firm grasp of basic personal finance and you’re looking to take the next step, you may want to consider Etrade. The financial wealth management software facilitates hands-on trading and investment. This turns an otherwise daunting activity into a very accessible form of personal finance.9. Vanguard Features Automatic Investing Tools
Vanguard is another retirement and investment-focused personal finance solution. The reputable brand offers automatic investing tools and solid support.10. Due Gets Top Marks for Generating Wealth
It would be a gross oversight to neglect Due on this list. Many peg the popular financial tool as the internet’s number one retirement resource. Forbes rated it as a top finance blog with excellent resources for those looking to generate wealth. Entrepreneur Magazine called it one of the best places on the interweb to glean retirement information.Whether it’s the need for quality fintech tools or a resource to inform your use of those tools, Due is the one-stop shop for successful personal finance.
Personal finance is always important. During economic and fiscal crises, it’s particularly wise to gain control over your income, expenses, and investments.
To sum up, use the list above to identify the best personal finance tech tools to fill in your personal financial shortcomings. Do you need a targeted solution for something like paying bills? Or is a more comprehensive application in order? Consider your situation, make your selection, and then invest in taking your personal finances to the next level.