Wang Lijun’s Documents a Ticking Time Bomb For the CCP

The domino effect triggered by Wang Lijun, the former police chief and deputy mayor of Chongqing who attempted to defect to the American Embassy, has caused the Chinese communist regime to enter a state of crisis.
Wang Lijun’s Documents a Ticking Time Bomb For the CCP
Bo Xilai (L) and Wang Lijun (R). (Epoch Times Photo Archive).
<a><img class="size-full wp-image-1791027" src="" alt="Bo Xilai (L) and Wang Lijun (R)" width="328"/></a>
Bo Xilai (L) and Wang Lijun (R)

The domino effect triggered by Wang Lijun, the former police chief and deputy mayor of Chongqing who attempted to defect to the American Embassy, has caused the Chinese communist regime to enter a state of crisis.

Rumors about the resignation of Bo Xilai, the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Chongqing and Wang’s former boss, have emerged from the inner circle of high-ranking Party officials. Once Bo is targeted, Zhou Yongkang, the head of the Communist Party’s security forces and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, and the former CCP head Jiang Zemin will not sit around idly.

Just in case Bo makes a desperate attempt to fight back, the Central Military Commission of the CPC has dispatched the Hunan Province 126th paramilitary police brigade to Chongqing.

The United States, as a third party, holds the key documents provided by Wang Lijun when he sought asylum. The possible publication of this information is hanging like a sword of Damocles over the head of the CCP.

The incident has unprecedented significance because this is the first time the CCP has failed completely to control a leak of important information; this is also the first time the top leaders of the regime sense that it’s a life-and-death situation and that their fate is in someone else’s hands.

Click this tag to read The Epoch Times’ collection of articles on the Chinese Regime in Crisis. Intra-CCP politics are a challenge to make sense of, even for veteran China watchers. Here we attempt to provide readers with the necessary context to understand the situation.

Journalist Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon reported that the Chinese regime demanded that the United States return the Wang Lijun documents.

The Documents

An anonymous source wrote to The Epoch Times stating that there are six parts to the Wang documents.

1. Evidence of corruption by Bo Xilai and his family in past years.

2. Evidence that Bo bribed high-ranking military officials when he became Chongqing Municipality Communist Party Secretary.

3. Evidence that Bo Xilai ordered the execution of Chongqing high-ranking officials, like Wen Qiang (the former head of Chongqing’s Judicial Bureau), and the arrest of Li Zhuang (a lawyer convicted in a kangaroo court proceeding because he attempted to defend a businessman Bo had arrested). Wang Lijun knew that Wen’s execution would offend some top officials, however Bo promised to promote Wang to Minister of Public Security once Bo became a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. In private, Bo mentioned that Jiang and Zhou supported his decision to execute Wen, saying that it was a preemptive strike against a greater future enemy.

4. Evidence that Bo conspired with Zhou to get rid of Xi Jinping (successor to Hu Jintao) and to seize power. Bo revealed the conspiracy to Wang and that the conspiracy was supported by the leadership (i.e. Jiang) of the CCP.

5. Once Bo becomes a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and seizes power, he would push the Chongqing Model across China and launch a cultural-revolution-style political campaign targeting the Hu-Wen faction, individual capitalists, and political and religious dissidents. “Even at the expense of 500,000 lives, we have to ensure that the ’red country' stays intact,” Bo is supposed to have said.

6. Relevant evidence (recordings and confidential materials) about Bo’s order and involvement in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners as well as documents from the political and legal systems concerning the harsh repression of Falun Gong and political dissidents.

Although the source remains anonymous, this content seems to be relatively credible based on facts already known. For instance, the first two points about Bo’s corruption and collusion with the military have been proven.

The third point, that Bo ordered the execution of Wen Qiang (and the arrest of Li Zhuang), is obvious; Without Bo’s order, Wang would not have dared to make a move.

As for the 4th point about the plot between Bo and Zhou Yongkang to disrupt Chinese vice president Xi Jinping’s succession, it is also credible because the United States has released similar information.

The fifth point is supported by Bo’s record of cracking down on his enemies and many people over the past few years.

The sixth point about Bo’s overseeing the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners has already been proven by eye witness accounts in Liaoning Province, numerous pieces of evidence provided by Falun Gong practitioners over the years, and various investigative reports by independent organizations. This is crucial evidence of how Bo is complicit with Jiang Zemin in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Continued on the next page: Explosive Impact

Explosive Impact

Though the CCP does not know when the United States or other parties will release the Wang documents, it knows the publication of the documents will have an explosive impact inside and outside of China, and so the CCP is very scared.

The CCP is mainly worried that exposing the intense infighting inside the Party and the Party’s persecution of large numbers of people will completely destroy the idea its rule is legitimate, which the CCP has implanted in the international community and China through propaganda and economic development. The loss of the perception of legitimacy will give rise to sanctions from other countries and large-scale protests inside China, and eventually lead to the collapse of the CCP.

Click this tag to read The Epoch Times’ collection of articles on the Chinese Regime in Crisis. Intra-CCP politics are a challenge to make sense of, even for veteran China watchers. Here we attempt to provide readers with the necessary context to understand the situation.

Consequently, the CCP leadership is hesitant about what to do with Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang and is still unable to reach a consensus.

Reform or Escape

There are signs that the CCP is taking two approaches to save its own skin.

On the one hand, the CCP had admitted for the first time that the Party will die without reform, and is again using reform to create an illusion and smokescreen, in order to extend the Party’s existence.

People’s Daily published an article on Feb. 23, saying that it’s better to have criticism than crisis, and it’s better to have an “imperfect” reform than crisis arising from no reform at all. The article claims that reform will have risks, but without reform, the Party will be in danger; dodging the problems and conflicts and passing them on to the next set of leaders will only allow crisis to outpace reform and ultimately lead to a bigger crisis.

Meanwhile, the CCP unblocked the keyword “Zhao Ziyang” on the Internet for the first time, which rekindles people’s hope for a redress of the June 4 Tiananmen Massacre and that justice will be done. This shows that the CCP indeed feels insecure and is scared of its own demise.

On the other hand, the CCP is also preparing for the worst and seeking a way of escape. The CCP leadership is using the overseas website Boxun to explore what may be the international community’s attitude toward the CCP’s leaders abandoning ship altogether and going on a group exile, seeking asylum, or handing over power.

Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai, have already been sued in many countries for participating in the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, and therefore cannot obtain foreign asylum at all. Exile is not an option.

The reason they use the term “group exile” is because Jiang’s clique wants to make Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao scapegoats. Hence, the only way for Hu and Wen to survive is to take advantage of the current situation, when the power balance is on their side, to completely disintegrate the gang of Jiang, Zhou, and Bo, who participated in abhorrent criminal activities.

At this critical historical moment, Hu and Wen would benefit by taking the lead and quitting the CCP and make amends for their crimes by building good will.

The disintegration of the CCP is imminent. Those who pull away from it in time should have a good future. Those who stick with it are heading down a dead end. This is the choice which lies before the CCP and all of China.

Read the original Chinese article.

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