China’s Domestic Security Chief Fights Back

Generally, when internal affairs are unstable, a head of state wouldn’t leave the country. There are a number of reasons why Chinese leader Hu Jintao dares to attend the Nuclear Security Summit and visit three Asian countries while Party faction infighting at home is still smoldering.
China’s Domestic Security Chief Fights Back

Dismantle the PLAC

The second step Hu and Wen should take is to take back from the PLAC the power to mobilize the armed police and return it to the Central Military Commission. Retrieve the authority to mobilize the armed police from the PLAC, and then completely disband the PLAC as well as the extralegal 610 Office, which was set up by the PLAC for the exclusive purpose of persecuting Falun Gong. The elimination of these two malignant tumors, the PLAC and the 610 Office, is an act that is both expected and applauded by the public.

Next should be the arrest of Zhou Yongkang. Zhou stands accused of many heinous crimes: treason, murder, persecution, corruption, rape, and more.

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Lift Information Blockade

Another step is to lift the information ban in all domains to give the Chinese people access to overseas websites, satellite TV, and radio. Allowing The Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty Television, and Sound of Hope Radio to be freely received in Mainland China will be an effective means to quickly disintegrate the Jiang faction. Hu and Wen have already tested this out a number of times on Baidu, and it has now come time for the harvest. 

Dissolve the CCP

Finally, Hu and Wen must have the ultimate determination and courage to completely dissolve the CCP. By now, the majority of Chinese people have already lost confidence in the CCP and carry no hope for political reform of the Party. Therefore, statements calling for “political reform” are ineffective in China’s current social climate and cannot resolve the fundamental issues that plague Chinese society today. The true hero will be the one who complies with the public’s aspirations and the trend of history.

In fact, the CCP’s middle and upper ranks, including Hu, Wen, and Xi, are well aware of the CCP’s ultimate doom. They too know that well over one hundred million Chinese have openly quit from the CCP and its affiliated youth organizations. It has become an unstoppable movement for the Chinese people to abandon the CCP. 

If Hu and Wen are able seize this momentary opportunity to promote true fundamental reform as did the former heads of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev and Yeltsin, it will benefit the people and the country. They will also save themselves from being disgraced and eliminated along with the inevitable disintegration of the CCP.

Li Tianxiao is a political commentator and columnist for The Epoch Times. 

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