Mehrin Maisha is a 14-year-old new immigrant to the United States. An aspiring businesswoman, she invented a lamp that helps people who share a bedroom.
In June 2012, the New England Federal Credit Union in Williston, Vermont, received a vaguely worded letter from a company called Automated Transactions, warning the firm that it might be using teller-machine technology that infringed on Automated’s patents.
Imagine you’re in an ancient temple, dimly lit by rays of sunlight peaking in. A worshipper lights a fire on the altar, and steps back. A statue beside the altar begins to move!
In 350 B.C., mathematician and founding father of mechanics Archytas of Tarentum invented a wooden mechanical dove. “Archytas’ invention is often cited as the first robot, and, in light of recent technological advancements, perhaps we could even consider it to be the first drone; the very first machine capable of autonomous flight,” wrote Jimmy Stamp in a Smithsonian article.