The scurimobile was invented by Alessandro Scuri of Belgium, also the inventor of the unicycle, in the 19th century. It is a gun with two adjustable barrels that can be independently, yet simultaneously, aimed at different objects (see photo above).
Here’s another 19th century curiosity that might blow you away.

An illustration of the photographic gun, from the book "Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography." Public Domain
The photographic gun was advertised as being particularly good for shooting birds—shooting pictures of birds in motion, that is.

Images taken with the photographic gun, from the book "Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography." Public Domain

Images taken with the photographic gun, from the book "Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography." Public Domain

Images taken with the photographic gun, from the book "Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography." Public Domain

The inner workings of the photographic gun, from the book "Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography." Public Domain
*Image of machine gears via Shutterstock*