Former Prime Minister Says He Will See Shen Yun Again

Former Prime Minister Says He Will See Shen Yun Again
Former prime minister Jirí Paroubek attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Prague Congress Center on April 2. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

PRAGUE—Shen Yun Performing Arts lit up the stage of the Prague Congress Center on April 2. Among those in the audience was Jirí Paroubek, former prime minister of the Czech Republic.

Mr. Paroubek said he had heard only wonderful things about the performance. “I had expectations about the show, and they were met,” he said. “I was glad to come, and I will definitely come again.”

He also said he was struck by the significance of China’s 5,000-year-old culture. “I realized how great is the Chinese history,” he said.

“Over its past 60 years of rule, the communist regime has treated traditional Chinese values—centered on the idea of harmony between heaven and earth—as a threat to its existence,” reads Shen Yun’s website. “And in its systematic campaigns like the Cultural Revolution, it has uprooted traditional beliefs and destroyed ancient treasures—bringing traditional 5,000 years of civilization to the brink of extinction.”

“It is good to sometimes remind ourselves of its 5 000-year old history,” Mr. Paroubek said.

‘Masterful Techniques’

Also taking in the performance at the Prague Congress Center was Karel Janecek. “I would probably talk for a long time here,” he said. He added that he especially enjoyed the masterful techniques employed by Shen Yun’s dancers—leaps, flips, and the like. “That appeals to me.”

“Chinese dance is at the heart of what Shen Yun does. Known for its incredible flips and spins, and its gentle elegance, it is one of the most rigorous and expressive art forms in the world,” the website states.

Mr. Janecek said he believes that people connecting to different cultures is of paramount importance. “The message of freedom is extremely important, not only for China, but also for us,” he added.

He also said that the performance evoked memories from when he was a child and first became acquainted with traditional Chinese culture. “The performance reminded me of the Monkey King,” he said. “As a child, I loved the book [the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West] and read it many times.”

Mr. Janecek said that the most important aspect of the show lies in its nuanced inner meanings. “This show tries to convey a message for the people—a message about important things,” he said.

With reporting by Michael Fitzgerald

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.