MISSISSAUGA, Canada—Brad Butt, councillor of the City of Mississauga, has been active in the Mississauga community for three decades, volunteering and holding various government positions, and has seen Shen Yun Performing Arts in Mississauga three times.
“So I think it’s important that Canada continues to be a country that stands up and supports people of all faiths all over the world, and if we can learn more about those challenges through song and through dance and through entertainment I think that educates all of us much better and broader as we move forward.”For Mr. Butt, the performance encompassed “a lot of compassion, a lot of care and happiness, and at the same time also dealing with some of the struggles and some of the unfortunate incidents and misery over the history of China, and that’s important storytelling, that’s important stuff to talk about, and so I’m pleased that we’re given this wonderful opportunity through dance and through song to experience that for those of us that don’t have any history with China.”
“This has been fantastic; I mean, the dancing and the singing and the entertainment has been just great,” he said. “And the other great thing is to be learning the history, such rich, long Chinese history, and to learn that through dance and performance is really something special.”
Also in the audience was economist Dorota Plichta, who is originally from Poland and said she understood what communism and socialism could do to a country.
“The beauty of the show is that you can revive the history here,” she said, “I’m so proud of that performance, that you show the people which completely here was always peace, freedom, the most important thing in our life.”
“It’s amazing, it’s colorful, it’s powerful,” she said. “Powerful, [in] that it brings you some positive things.”