Shen Yun ‘Transcends Our Culture and Touches the Divine,’ Says Louisiana Theatergoer

Shen Yun ‘Transcends Our Culture and Touches the Divine,’ Says Louisiana Theatergoer
Timothy and Maggie Kurtz enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center on May 4, 2024. Roland See/The Epoch Times

METAIRIE, La.—Airline pilot Timothy Kurtz has made many trips to Asia in his career, so he is no stranger to Chinese culture.

Nevertheless, he was still amazed by the beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts when he and his wife, Maggie, a retired school teacher, attended its performance on May 4.

Stepping out of the Jefferson Performing Arts Center at the end of the evening, the couple had great things to say about the company.

“Just the grace and beauty of it—obviously, it’s a culture that’s different from ours, and so getting to experience just a little taste of it, to get to see the expression of it over the thousands of years and the beautiful dancing and beautiful music—it’s a great experience. Just a wonderful experience,” Mr. Kurtz exclaimed.

The New York-based Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by elite Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of the communist party.

For 5,000 years, China’s civilization flourished under the shared belief that the divine will bless those who uphold traditional moral values. Tragically, within just a few decades of the communist party’s violent takeover, these beliefs were erased and replaced with atheism.

The mission of these artists is to return to the world’s stage the glory and beauty of China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture.
Mrs. Kurtz thought Shen Yun “tapped into something that transcends our culture and touches the divine.”

The performance was “a beautiful way to experience truth and beauty that we all share in common,” she stated. The costumes and the colors “were phenomenal.”

“It’s a beautiful art form. I loved how the stories had a deeper meaning—a deeper message. I loved that [the artists] were able to use the dance and music and storytelling to get that across.”

As devout Roman Catholics, the couple appreciated the show’s incorporation of spirituality and noticed that traditional Chinese culture shared many similarities with their own beliefs.

“The expression of freedom, the freedom of religion, and the ability to believe in something beyond the state is where we look for inspiration and guidance,” Mr. Kurtz expressed.

Reflecting on the ongoing religious persecutions in China, he explained that there’s been “exceptional cruelty and disregard for humanity that we’ve seen from communism since the beginning—whether that’s in Russia or dating back to the earliest denial of the divine.”

“People are just things to be used when you don’t have an expression of God or an expression of the divine. So, really, what you see is a continuation of what we saw from the worst of humanity in Russia and now in China,” Mr. Kurtz said.

Though the couple was initially skeptical, they were quickly taken in by Shen Yun’s 3D digital backdrop that seamlessly blends live action on stage with the animation in the background.

“It was awesome. I loved it,” Mrs. Kurtz shared. “I was nervous at first that it would be a distraction from the art of the dance, but it added to it, and I thought it was gorgeous. It transports you a little bit further off the stage and into a different realm.”

“It was extremely dynamic. So, it was very enjoyable,” Mr. Kurtz chimed in. “All the storytelling was really wonderful. [Shen Yun] was a wonderful experience.”

Reporting by Roland Ree and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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