Shen Yun Concludes 72 Performances in France

Shen Yun Concludes 72 Performances in France
Marlène Frijo and Xavier Frijo at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Galaxie Amnéville on May 8, 2024. Sheng Ming/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

AMNÉVILLE, France—Several Shen Yun Performing Arts companies visited different venues across France, putting on 72 performances across the country in the current season. And on May 10, the last performance in France concluded.

Despite a smooth tour, the last leg met with a bump along the way as Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, Xi Jinping, was closing his visit to France.

The CCP threatened to bomb the Galaxie Amnéville if Shen Yun was permitted to perform, but it was an empty threat.

Shen Yun is no stranger to the CCP’s attempts at canceling its performances. Since its inception in 2006, Shen Yun has been using its art to expose the crimes of the CCP.

“I think it is revealing some injustices that have happened in China, and I can completely understand it,” commented Marlène Frijo, an official of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

She and her husband, Xavier Frijo, sat in the front row of the theater, giving them a great view of the musicians.

“The music is really wonderful, and the orchestra was amazing,” said Mrs. Frijo.

Shen Yun’s orchestra combines a classic Western ensemble with traditional Chinese instruments such as the pipa and erhu, creating a new yet beautiful sound.

“We could see which instrument was soloing, and their performance was excellent. It allowed us to appreciate the beauty of music and visuals even more,” said Mr. Frijo.

Shen Yun is often praised for its unique and tasteful use of colors. The costume designs were also inspired by the attire worn in the heavens.

“What I am most fascinated by is the combination of colors. These colors are really wonderful. You can see that the costumes are made with fine materials,” complimented Mrs. Frijo.

David Foy at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Galaxie Amnéville on May 8, 2024. (NTD)
David Foy at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Galaxie Amnéville on May 8, 2024. NTD

David Foy travels around the world to promote Luxembourg as a destination. Seeing Shen Yun, he shared that it was one of the most beautiful performances he had seen.

“I think it’s the most colorful, the most gracious show that I’ve seen in quite a long time. There’s an awful lot of hard work that’s gone into it. The women are just so smooth, and the men are almost aggressive with their dance. It’s really nice to watch,” said Mr. Foy.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and its dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

“It’s incredible. Really it’s incredible. I’ve seen a lot of shows. And they’re all very, very high quality, but you can see on here the amount of time that has been spent, the time to practice, everything is to the nanosecond, to the millimeter. It’s very, very top class,” complimented Mr. Foy.

He also shared that seeing Shen Yun gave him the chance to relax.

“When you see the ladies doing the dance with the flowers and the sleeves, it makes you just want to stop and not think about anything. Just empty your mind and just relax,” said Mr. Foy.

Reporting by Sheng Ming, NTD, and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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