Terminally Ill Woman’s Heartfelt Plea To Take Care Of Dog Finds Its Way Into The Right Hands

Terminally Ill Woman’s Heartfelt Plea To Take Care Of Dog Finds Its Way Into The Right Hands
Sharon Blackwell adopted Shell, a puppy, 9 years ago, but as she and her daughter both fell sick, she wrote a petition for Shell to be adopted. Soon, the puppy found a home. Facebook | Stray Rescue of St. Louis

A letter penned from the heart found its way into exactly the right person’s hands. It turned out to be simply what was needed to bring comfort to three women: one adorable pooch.

Sharon Blackwell had adopted Shell, a dainty pup, some nine years prior from Stray Rescue of St. Louis. She gave Shell a loving home, and over time, they formed a strong bond.

Unfortunately, Sharon suffered a massive stroke and then developed Alzheimer’s and was no longer able to care for Shell. Her daughter, thankfully, took Shell under her wing.

Sharon’s daughter and Shell were very happy together until yet another misfortune struck: Sharon’s daughter suddenly developed cancer and had no one else to care for Shell.

With no other hope, Sharon petitioned to the same rescue center from where Shell had been originally adopted.

The heartfelt letter read:

To Stray Rescue, I [am] writing to you cause I need you to take my dog, Shell. My mother adopted Shell from stray rescue around 2009-2010. Her name is Sharon Blackwell. In 2012 she had a massive stroke and now has Alzheimer’s. So in 2012 Shell came to live with me. I’ve been fighting cancer for a few months and if you’re reading this I lost my battle. I need for my baby girl to be (taken) care of in a home with one person.
Shell is a very sweet girl, she’s been [through] a lot so she has trouble with trust in the beginning. She loves to cuddle but doesn’t like to be carried. In these days all I do is worry about what’s going to happen to her. I love this girl, she is my daughter.

The letter was received by the rescue organization Stray Rescue of St. Louis. Then it was shared on their blog.

It seemed that the sadness of their predicament touched the heart of one particular woman, thankfully. The woman, who had lost her own pet, spotted the blog post and was immediately drawn to the cute dog. So, she decided to go and meet Shell and set out to the rescue center.

From the get-go, it seemed that Shell was exactly what the woman needed to help heal a broken heart.

Reports stated that Shell settled beautifully into her new home. It must have brought Sharon and her daughter great comfort knowing that Shell is happy and well loved.