Most of us love reading an animal rescue story, especially when the critter was rescued after being found within an inch of its life. This heartwarming rescue story below, captured on video, has racked up more than 4.6 million views on YouTube.
One freezing winter day in February 2015, a lifeless-looking cat was found on the ground outside a stranger’s house. The ginger feline had nearly frozen to death, but fortunately, she met her guardian angel, who took her in.
A seventh-grade science teacher found the frozen cat sprawled out across his porch, halfway under a railing on that frigid winter’s day.
“I wasn’t sure if there was any hope...,” he added.

The ginger tabby couldn’t move and appeared lifeless until the teacher noticed one of her paws make a slight movement.
Though the cat was still alive, the man wasn’t sure if she had any chance of surviving. Nonetheless, the kindhearted teacher brought the feline into his house.
In an attempt to save the cat’s life, the man gave her a warm bath.
While warm water ran down the cat’s cold body, the man was heard saying in the video: “Yeah, yeah! Come on, come on, buddy!”

Following the bath, the man began to feel hopeful as the pink-nosed cat started showing signs of life. As the feline cuddled in a blanket, she let out a “meow,” one after another!
“You’re getting there, buddy,” the man said. “Almost there. You’re getting warmer.”

The man gave the cat a teacup of water, and after about six hours of rest, she finally came around. The cat survived and began walking around again.
She was appropriately named Elsa, after Disney’s ice queen in the movie Frozen.
The man later brought Elsa to the vet. Surprisingly, she was in good health.

“Feeling better?” the man asked Elsa at the end of the video. “Elsa, I love you,” he said.
The video of an almost frozen Elsa rescued from the brink of death has gone viral ever since it was published on March 3, 2015.
“I felt so bad when she was FREEZING! Then when she started moving I had tears of joy in my eyes and my brother thought I was crazy,” one YouTube user, Unicorn Creepers YT, wrote.

YouTube user Whitney Girl added: “I have never cried so much over a YouTube video.”
“I had tears watching this… I don’t know what to say except thank you,” YouTube user Melanie Kirk commented. Whilst Vanessa Gribbins remarked: “You are such a good person to save that beautiful kitty. How compassionate & gentle are you. You’re a Special person who deserves many Blessings. Thank you for being a Hero!”
Kudos to this teacher for being Elsa’s guardian angel! Not only did your kind gesture save the cat’s life, it has also warmed the hearts of many on social media.