With hot summer upon us, it’s never wise for owners to leave their dogs alone in a parked vehicle. Animals can die in hot cars, particularly dogs, as they sweat only through their paw pads and cool themselves by panting.
When the officers arrived on the scene after 4 p.m., they found the dog inside a hot car with its owners nowhere in sight. Apparently, the owners had gone shopping leaving the poor dog behind.
Fearing for the worst, one of the officers decided to take matters into his own hands. He smashed the car window to rescue the dog that was at risk of overheating.
After escaping the boiling-hot car, the dog was so elated to be set free that it jumped up at the officer. The pooch was then taken to the vet by the RSPCA officer for examination before an animal cruelty prosecution decision was to be made.
As the officers arranged for the car to be removed, the dog’s owners returned. Seeing their car window smashed, they were not too happy despite the danger of their dog dying as a result of overheating. “They weren’t happy with us because their window was put in,” PCSO Tracy Cunningham told media outlets.
“Another window smashed.” Clearly, that was not the first time the cops smashed the windows of a sweltering car to save a dog. Police were forced to do this many times as a blistering heatwave swept across the United Kingdom.
“Tannoy Announcement made, owner returned. In the space of less than 10mins the dog was starting to pant / overheat. Just don’t do it. #DogsDieInHotCars,” he added.

The canines can suffer brain damage or die from heatstroke in just 15 minutes.
“Dogs are covered in fur and do not sweat in the same way as humans do. Unlike humans, dogs pant to help keep themselves cool. The effectiveness of panting is reduced at high temperatures and humidities,” Hens explained. She urged if the weather is warm, it’s advisable “to leave them at home where they can access cool, shady parts of the house and lots of water.”
Please keep your dogs safe and healthy during the hot summer months. Remember, leaving your dog in a car on scorching days is a definite no-no even if you’re just running errands.