Hong Kong Watch Report: HK Overseas Economic and Trade Offices Speak for the CCP

Hong Kong Watch Report: HK Overseas Economic and Trade Offices Speak for the CCP
"Hong Kong Watch," a British NGO, in its latest report, criticises that the overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (ETO) act more like the spokesperson of the CCP, and asks governments of various countries to re-examine the status and privileges of the Hong Kong ETO. Screenshot of the Hong Kong Watch report cover via The Epoch Times???
The British NGO “Hong Kong Watch,” which has always been concerned about the human rights situation in Hong Kong, recently published a policy paper criticizing the Hong Kong Overseas Economic and Trade Offices (ETO) acting as a spokesperson for the CCP. In the paper, it asked governments of various countries to re-examine the status and privileges of the Hong Kong ETO and terminate the cooperation with them or close the ETO for good. In an interview with the Epoch Times, some scholars pointed out that the ETO has become the mouthpiece of the CCP, things like promoting the “Belt and Road” activities that have nothing to do with Hong Kong. In view of this, foreign governments should no longer grant similar diplomatic privileges.
According to the Basic Law, Hong Kong is treated as a separate entity from China when it comes to matters of customs and trade, and as such enjoys the status of an individual region on its own. That status allows Hong Kong to participate as an independent member in international organizations such as WTO, OECD, and the like.

Hong Kong Watch: ETO is Indirectly Controlled by the CCP

On Oct. 13, the British NGO, “Hong Kong Watch,” which has long been concerned about the human rights situation in Hong Kong, issued a report criticizing the overseas ETO deviating from its original founding principle, which is to promote Hong Kong’s image and economic and cultural exchanges through activities with the host country. But such promotion activities are becoming increasingly in line with the jargon adopted as the CCP’s description of Hong Kong. For example, concepts such as the “Greater Bay Area” are used to promote Hong Kong as the gateway to mainland China, replacing previous descriptions such as “one country, two systems” and “a high degree of autonomy.”

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According to past records, “Hong Kong Watch” criticized that as the Hong Kong government is increasingly under the direct political control of the CCP, that makes the ETO is also under the indirect control of the latter, making it a de facto CCP embassy. The ETO had indeed openly supported the “Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL)” and continued to suppress human rights and followed the CCP’s approach to promote economic and cultural exchanges. The report also said, given that the ETO’s name and reputation are different from those of a Chinese embassy, ​​it is always able to work in a way different from the CCP and its embassies, if it so wishes.

The report recommends that various countries should re-examine the status, privileges, and immunities of the Hong Kong ETO, and the legislature should maintain, in no uncertain terms, that the status of the Hong Kong ETO should in no way be controlled by the CCP. A good reference can be shared from the experience of closing and terminating cooperation with the “Confucius Institutes,” and applying to the ETO. In the worst case, they should re-examine the current special treatment for Hong Kong, including bilateral treaties, representation in the EU, WTO, IMO, and the like.

Anouk Wear, author of the report and a research and policy consultant for Hong Kong Watch, criticized that the NSL for Hong Kong not only undermined the basic rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people but had also taken over the autonomy of the Hong Kong government and the ETO, which now represents indirectly the interests of the CCP instead. The ETO is used to exert CCP’s influence overseas in the cultural and commercial areas, justifying the ongoing crackdown and the implementation of the NSL. She believes that countries should review the status of ETOs, remove their privileges and, where appropriate, close these offices.

The Sunday Times published on Dec. 5, 2021, an article titled “China shows its true colours—and they’re not pretty.” That article contained scenes showing the HK police arresting anti-extradition protesters and criticized the CCP for undermining Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems.” It also pointed out that only officially defined and censored ”patriots” could participate in the Legislative Council election, making it nothing more than a hoax. The article even called on all electorates to boycott the election, which might bring about “democratic victory” as a result.

Gilford Law Shun-on, director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, wrote to The Sunday Times on Dec. 8, criticizing the editorial as being untrue. Law claimed that under the “improved electoral system,” all people, as long as they upheld the Basic Law and were loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, even dissidents could run for election, like any other country in the world. He also claimed that the principle of “Patriots governing Hong Kong“ is to “safeguard the interests and foundation of Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability.” Law then pointed out that as the editorial had called for boycotting the election, he would like to ”remind” that inciting others not to vote or to cast a blank vote is in violation of Hong Kong’s Election Ordinance, which is applicable to all incitement even outside Hong Kong.

According to the Hong Kong government website, Hong Kong currently has 14 overseas economic and trade offices (ETOs) as representatives and are responsible for “raising global awareness of Hong Kong’s unique advantages, promoting Hong Kong’s economic and trade interests,” and “supporting overseas enterprises’ expansion of their business in Hong Kong.” They are stationed in Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, London, Dubai, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, and Washington.

Scholars: ETO as a Mouthpiece of CCP Unable to Function Effectively on PR Works

Benson Wong Wai-kwok, former assistant professor of politics and international relations at HKBU, said during an interview with the Epoch Times that the “Hong Kong Watch’s” suggestion is reasonable because the Hong Kong ETO is not a consulate of the CCP, and those economic promotion activities such as the “Belt and Road Initiative, and the like, ”have nothing to do with Hong Kong,” so should be hosted by the CCP consulate. If it is organized by the Hong Kong ETO as part of its promotion activities, it will become the mouthpiece of the CCP government instead. Furthermore, he pointed out that the Hong Kong ETO often responds to foreign media’s criticism of the Hong Kong government in an intimidating manner, sometimes without proof. Therefore, it is neither appropriate nor suitable for foreign governments to grant similar diplomatic privileges.

In another interview with the Epoch Times, scholar Chung Kim-wah pointed out that in the past, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office mainly played the role of a goodwill ambassador, promoting Hong Kong, making friends, and communicating with the business community. But as of today, with the change in the overall status of Hong Kong, when everything must work under the guidance of the CCP, the ETO has much less room to maneuver, making it difficult for them to conduct its public relations activities effectively.